Opossums can sometimes be seen in the daylight while searching for food. If you find an injured opossum, first remember that Opossums play possum meaning they play dead when they are very scared. Until they are about 85 days old, the young either travel with the mother in the pouch or on her back. It is important to note that possums engaging in circles of motion are likely doing so as a defense mechanism to confuse potential predators. But that term is misleading, because opossums dont actually play dead. In one case, 13 white-eared opossums of various age groups were cohabiting the same space. Fish and Wildlife Service ), Why Is My Dog Walking In Circles? Ground squirrel control in Rio Rancho, NM. With further observation, we may be able to uncover more of their secrets. The opossums other defense mechanism is the one for which they are most known and the most common misconception about them playing opossum. Possums walking in circles is a behavior that has been observed for years and has caused much confusion. The mother will nurse her young for about a month, during which time she will give birth to at least three litters per year. This pose is intended to intimidate so you will leave it alone. The pests have many predators and will seek safety at the first sign of a threat. Searching for food While most of their foraging happens at night, opossums can occasionally be seen in the daylight. Possums may benefit from their behavior as it is likely an evolutionary advantage, allowing them to better survive in the wild. Why would an opossum walk in a continuous circle? Spencer pointed to a few other warning signs of rabies. Opossums get a bum rap. WOODBRIDGE, NJ A possum found acting strangely and walking in circles does not have rabies, Woodbridge Township confirmed to Patch Thursday. Important: NOT a Rabies Vector Species (RVS). They may see a baby crawling on the female opossums belly or see something moving in her pouch. If the animal does not show any of these symptoms, it is considered to be in good health and is not at risk of contracting the disease. Get professional help Tab will move on to the next part of the site rather than go through menu items. Fear of rabies Why Does My Senior Dog Walk in Circles? Theyll even clean up spilled garbage and fruit that has fallen off trees. He always calls us the day before so we know when he is coming. This is especially true during harsh winters. Shock of an Encounter Stupefaction is a state in which an animal is unable to move or react to stimuli. Loud noises and bright lights will make the area intolerable for this animal, who seeks peace and safety during the daylight hours. The behavior is actually likely driven by their instinctive defensive behavior. I feel really bad for it :( Is it possible it could just be looking for food? To capture, corner the opossum, throw a bath/beach towel or small blanket over the its body, and pick up by the tail about midway and place in a suitably sized dog kennel, plastic/rubber tub, or cardboard box with the lid securely taped . The animals are immune to the venom of nearly every type of snake found in their native range, the one exception being the coral snake. Possum behavior has also been linked to disorientation. WebOpossums are nocturnal, that is they sleep during the day and come out at night, so the chance that a small child will come into contact with an opossum is slim. In these cases you should contact a licensed small mammal rehabilitator for advice. It may seem difficult or distasteful, but when bringing to OWL, it is critical to transport the babies (injured or not) still attached to the dead mothers body. They rarely spend two consecutive days in the same spot.
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