endstream endobj 172 0 obj <>/OCGs[175 0 R]>>/OpenAction 173 0 R/PageLayout/SinglePage/Pages 164 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 173 0 obj <> endobj 174 0 obj <>/Font<>>>/Fields 160 0 R>> endobj 175 0 obj <>>>>> endobj 176 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/Type/Page>> endobj 177 0 obj <>stream 0000022991 00000 n His co-defendant, Roman, got a Range Rover from Jimenez, according to prosecutors. For more, watch "This Is Life At the age 13, he was arrested, hauled out of his grandmother's apartment, put on trial and convicted in a fatal 1992 shooting on the Northwest Side of Chicago. 0000036546 00000 n Dinesh Karthik (11) was the only other RCB batter to score in double digits. According to the 40-page indictment, the Simon City Royals is a criminal gang that began in Chicago, Illinois, and spread across the country. Those are words from an inmate inside the Forrest County Jail. The two batters came together when RCB were put in a spot of bother by Royals pacer Trent Boult (2/41), who rocked them early twice in his first two overs. Boult gave a perfect start to RR when he pinned Virat Kohli (0) in front of the wickets for the first breakthrough on the first ball of the game, which was his 100th overall wicket in IPL. He sounded like a lost boy, and he pleaded with the judge for mercy, for community service. Simon City Royals member: Ill At the time, he was also a "punk" and "pee wee" member of the Simon City Royals Chicago street gang that traces its lineage back to the 1950s and '60s "greaser" gangs. Known to mock judges and justice in his frequent court appearances, smiling smugly for the news cameras as his misdeeds churn through the court system, Jimenez's life story is as unique as it is sad and vulgar. X>_bv`+/ ~#RTt]} `~`KVTR67%Mw3T;SvLJsK;Q,{,g8K <<277346996D37C240A3EF85085B38B99B>]/Prev 955238>> They sped away, according to Chicago Police, but an undercover officer on the street working another case witnessed the speeding Mercedes and gave chase, eventually capturing Jimenez on foot as he tossed the handgun into a yard on the 3800 block of North Elston. Atlanta Commits To 100% Renewable Energy By 2035 Web1. Surenos 13 aka (WLBT) - Six alleged members of the Simon City Royals were charged in a two-count indictment stemming from a violent prison stabbing that occurred at the East Mississippi Correctional Facility located in Meridian. Then he showed off a fanny pack with six black semi-automatic pistols. Jimenez also admitted in court that he fired the shots. Gangster Disciples Brought up on both state and federal charges, Jimenez and Roman pleaded guilty to possession of a firearm by a convicted felon in June. Casteel is the younger brother of Luther Casteel, a man who was kicked out of an Elgin pub in 2001 only to return with four guns to fatally shoot the bartender and wound 15 others. Hj 0 Jimenez, called "Batman" by his followers, was with one of those young gangbangers, 23-year-old Jose Roman, on a Monday morning, Aug. 17, 2015, when they rolled up in Jimenez's Mercedes 500 series convertible in the Irving Park neighborhood and confronted a man who broke away from the gang years ago and refused to rejoin.
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