h 2.241 -0.638 1.787 -0.893 1.205 -0.893 c S -2.524 6.069 l q /T1_0 1 Tf h 18 0 obj A test pressure of 300 psi will be detrimental to weak materials, such as polyvinyl chloride (PVC) rated at 125 psi, which also does not have a safety factor of 2 and surge allowance of 100 psi included in the design, compared to the stronger ductile iron that does. h /T1_5 47 0 R /GS0 62 0 R 258 341.102 120 42.898 re 0.86 -1.83 1.179 -1.678 1.327 -1.407 c 2.484 -1.988 1.645 -2.827 0.617 -2.827 c -0.255 -5.828 -0.822 -5.9 -1.602 -5.9 c -2.212 0.312 -2.822 0.128 -2.822 -0.496 c 2. 0.254 0 l /Rotate 0 0 -0.703 0.47 -1.264 1.278 -1.264 c (914-mm) ductile-iron pipe with push-on joints, 22 4-2 Laying conditions for ductile-iron . 2.751 1.716 3.177 0.922 3.233 0 c Click here to purchase the full version from the ANSI store. Alternatively, pressure will rise as water temperature increases. 2.325 0.761 l -1.344 -4.726 -1.996 -5.362 -2.646 -5.362 c 0.665 0.076 m Guidelines set forth in the AWWA M41 Manual and the ANSI/AWWA C600 Standard are as follows: "Test pressure shall be 1.25 times the operating pressure. >> 0 g /ProcSet [ /Text /ImageC /PDF /ImageB /ImageI ] -2.283 -1.599 l f /ExtGState << /T1_0 1 Tf Together, we are Building Iron Strong Utilities for Generations! The test pump is to be connected at the lowest point of the line. 4.666 4.439 3.743 5.361 1.517 5.361 c 1.126 -8.152 0.01 -9.216 -1.148 -9.216 c >> -0.207 -0.32 m "AWWA has served the members and the water industry by dedicating staff and volunteer resources to this core program, and has succeeded in enabling the continued development and expansion of industry standards.". 0.161 -1.763 -0.347 -1.992 -0.865 -1.992 c 0 0 m PDF Installation of Ductile-Iron Mains and Their Appurtenances 0.689 -0.261 0.376 -0.285 0.133 -0.404 c VI. 2.212 -2.186 2.708 -1.698 3.008 -1.182 c /GS0 62 0 R -0.249 -1.182 -0.155 -1.33 0.372 -1.418 c 0.566 -0.555 l -0.312 -0.222 m 10.083 -7.913 l 180 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[]/Index[172 18]/Info 171 0 R/Length 59/Prev 281351/Root 173 0 R/Size 190/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream American Water Works Association 3.957 -7.913 l -0.732 -1.034 -0.408 -1.365 0.001 -1.365 c Q -1.049 1.702 -0.468 1.56 0.128 1.433 c Privacy Policy 1 0 0 1 36 86.4 Tm 0.335 -0.222 0.091 -0.222 0.04 -0.222 c 0.637 -2.448 l q These documents reflect the state of the industry. ET h endobj 1.112 -2.02 0.965 -2.039 0.774 -2.039 c Installing Ductile-Iron Mains Approved by American National Standards Institute Feb. 14, 2017. 2 w AWWA C600 Pdf Free Download - Pdf Keg
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