Child permits are FREE. After hours passes issued at Bentley and Key West Gates. Personnel in the grade of E-7, O-2, and CW-2 or below are required to have their immediate commander approve in writing the ownership of a privately owned firearm. Finally, when youre packet is ready to go, submit it to DFAS, 2 valid forms of parents identification (at least 1 needs to be a photo ID), parents social security card (if the parent is a US citizen). Card holders and the Liberty Transit has a bus route with on-post stops. Passes can be requested ahead of time. 2. We just needed to let you know. You can set up a free email account through many email providers, such as: AOL Mail, Yahoo Mail, Outlook Mail, Gmail, etc. Clarksville is the 5th largest city in the State of Tennessee after Nashville, Memphis, Knoxville and Chattanooga. Taxi/Uber/Lyft companies are NOT authorized access to the installation as a Trusted Traveler. M-Sat; 0600-1800. A:You are required to watch a short permit access brief and take a quiz prior to acquiring permits or checking in. Hours Not Provided. Clarksville Tennessee took the top spot on the list because of its economy and low cost of living. Call the Visitor Control Center for details. Soldiers and their families resides off post in either Christian County or Trigg County in Kentucky or in Montgomery or Stewart County in Tennessee. Employee Resource Center
Weekends and Training Holidays 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Federal Holidays Closed (b) ammunition must not be near the firearm; (c) firearm and ammunition will be inaccessible to all occupants of the vehicle; (e) firearm will not be carried on the person or any of the occupants. Fort Campbell is home of the 101st Airborne Screaming Eagles The Armys only Air Assault Division. Fort Stewart Security Office Hours: Sunday-Saturday 7:30AM-4:00PM Phone: 912-767-9593. You will have to show identification for everyone in your car over 10 years of age. Installation access is at the discretion of the Commander based on health & force protection conditions, Civilian Employment Assignment Tool (CEAT), Fundraising, Solicitation, Private Organizations.
Visitor Form :: Fort Stewart - United States Army Open on DONSAs. If you can have your sponsor go to DEERS and complete the DD 1172-2, then you wont need to do the 506-E! 2. Students can get ID cards during summer breaks, they just have to show that they were enrolled in the semester before and after the break. Option 1: Have your sponsor come into our office up to 90 days before your appointment and fill out a DD 1172-2. Fort Stewart is the largest Army installation east of the Mississippi River. Do I need a visitor pass? Privacy Policy Terms & Conditions. 3rd Infantry Division Sustainment Brigade, Specified Installation Access Standing Order,, Assistant Secretary of the Army for Installations, Energy & Environment. Passes that have been issued for Taxi/Ride Share, visitation or recreation are suspended until further notice. Tel: (912) 767-8673. Simply show your ID when driving through the gate. Q: Can I come to you office and purchase my permit in-person? You can get visitor passes at both the Fort Stewart and Hunter Army Airfield visitor control centers. 2. Drivers willingly be turned around. That means 100% ID card checks of all vehicle occupants entering post.
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