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In this lesson, pupils will play a starter game to learn about warfare in Ancient Greek times, including armour and fighting formation. Thermopylae 480 BC: Last stand of the 300, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. Whereas the Greek army consisted entirely of heavy infantry, the Persians consisted mainly of light infantry and archers, in addition to horsemen. By the end of the battle, between 5,000 and 6,500 Persians lay dead on the field. Tomb of the Plataeans at Marathon. Coming swiftly to battle, the strong Persian center held firm against the ruthless Athenians and their allies, but their weaker flanks collapsed under the force of the Greek advance and they were quickly left with no choice but to withdraw. The Greek hoplite army's victory at Marathon ensured that the Greek city-states would continue to be independent, rather than becoming just another part of the Persian Empire. Meanwhile at Artemision, the Persians were battling the elements rather than the Greeks, as they lost 400 triremes in a storm off the coast of Magnesia and more in a second storm off Euboea. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. This was later conflated with the victorious Athenian army marching back to Athens at a quickened pace. I feel like its a lifeline. That hope for leniency was met with severe and brutal disappointment as the Persians sacked the city, burned the temples, and enslaved the population. The Greeks had long been terrified of the Persian army, and even without the cavalry, their enemy still heavily outnumbered them. This tale of romantic sacrifice then caught the attention of author Robert Browning in 1879, who wrote a poem entitled Pheidippides, which deeply engaged his contemporaries. did the battle of Marathon World History Foundation is a non-profit organization registered in Canada. This allowed Greek ideas to further develop and spread, greatly influencing the Western world even today. The Significance of Marathon - Livius Left to fend for themselves, the Athenian and Plataeans continued to prepare for battle. Athenians led a small group of Greek coalition forces to victory Retrieved from https://www.thoughtco.com/persian-wars-battle-of-marathon-p2-2360876.