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To me theyre a lot. Dicks monthly Gear Up celebrates the human side of flying. Of course, you need bigger props too. This is where a wife (Cathy) with an MBA and an interest in equity, return on investment, residual value, hourly costs, etc. company on the then new Citation. Click here to view the Piper PA-31T Cheyenne features guide. The potential danger is obvious. J. Lynn Helms became the boss that same year. We did a hot section on schedule on the right engine almost four years ago. What about putting Cheyenne II engines (PT6-28s) on our Cheyenne I? In the 400LS, they are flat rated to 1,000 shaft horsepower per side, and can make that power all the way up to about FL200depending on temperature. I find an airplane I like, switch to flightaware.com and check out the ground speeds on several trips. A true performer (Single Pilot) that resembles Jet Performace for half of the fuel burn and operational cost. I just happened on this article. At 13% Ng, the engines light
Gear and flap speeds are sufficiently high to fit in to a wide range of traffic situations. Serial #: 42-5527036. Maintenance Steve Magginetti is service coordinator for Corporate Air Technology of San Jose, Cal. Maximum climb power was reduced and recommended climb speeds raised to keep the airplane further from the SAS operating speed range (nominally, 121 KIAS and slower). Even if misuse or abuse of a system or poor procedures dont lead to an incident or accident, improper operation can easily lead to unserviceability and increased maintenance cost. If the design has died with the old Piper Aircraft Company,
The continual struggles to remain afloat at Piper can be attributed to
These are the PA-31T series, or Cheyenne/II, Cheyenne I/IA and Cheyenne IIXL (plus an unpressurized hybrid developed for the air taxi and commuter markets, the PA-31T3 or T-1040) and the PA-42 series, which consists of the T-tailed and longer-fuselage Cheyenne III/IIIA and Cheyenne IV/400LS. Therefore, every Cheyenne I or II pilot I know carries either 75 or 100 pounds of lead weights in the nose to keep the plane from sitting on its tailskid and to keep it within the legal center-of-gravity envelope. Engine limiters take care of torque and temperatures with minor pilot input, if any. My smugness about predicting economic developments has suffered some indignities lately, so guessing about the residual value of a 40-year-old $600,000 Cheyenne versus a 20-year-old $900,000 Meridian 10 years from now is an estimation for which I am neither qualified nor temperamentally suited. 0000005105 00000 n
AN TOP SPEED IS ;360 KNOTS TOO. Parts availability for older Cheyennes hasn't been a problem. The difference between the left front seat and a cabin chair can be substantial, especially if propeller-induced vibration is being transmitted from the aft fuselage). All three can carry a good payload and sufficient fuel for from 900 to 1,000 nm with reserves.