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This image is not<\/b> licensed under the Creative Commons license applied to text content and some other images posted to the wikiHow website. Pruning or trimming the foliage protects the plant from fungal and bacterial diseases caused by too much moisture on the leaves. 3. Bearded iris (Germanica), Louisiana iris, Siberian iris, iris tectorum, iris cristata, spuria iris and aril iris (there are others) are rhizomes. Iris bulbs can be ordered year-round, but are generally shipped in early fall. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. Avoid watering leaves at night. Iris borer is a species of moth larvae that feed on the rhizomes of the Iris plant. Iris usually suffer more from too much water rather than a lack of moisture; however, they can be damaged if the roots and rhizome are allowed to become completely dry. The beauty of Irises and Iris flowers has been captured in famous paintings because of these flowers magnetic and attractive beauty. Aphids and other insects can create sooty mold on plants, a fungus that develops from their secretions (honeydew). A single borer could carve out the inside of an entire rhizome. Maintaining the thick-spathe type leaves of the iris and removing spent flower stems are important for several reasons. Collin County gardener shares beauty of irises - Dallas News Left to overwinter, they are also vulnerable to a major iris pest-the iris borer. "Dutch Iris") have abulb-type base rather than rhizomes and bloom very early. How and When to Cut Back Irises (Step by Step Guide) wikiHow, Inc. is the copyright holder of this image under U.S. and international copyright laws. However far you choose to prune back, all cuts should be made at a 45 degree angle, 5mm above a bud, and should slope downwards away from it. It prevents the Iris flowers from overcrowding one another. The leaves and flowers come off this stem. Work some compost into the soil in your planting area, then space out rhizomes about 1 to 2 feet apart for bearded and 2 to 3 feet apart for beardless. Walk the garden in early morning to pick off stink bugs and largus bugs from tomatoes. Duford Digital Inc.2933 30th Ave, Suite #104Vernon, BC, Canada, V1T 2B8, Summertime foliage care for perennial iris plants, The Harrowsmith Perennial Garden: Flowers for Three Seasons, Essential Perennials: The Complete Reference to 2700 Perennials for the Home Garden. If you only have a few irises, it wont make a huge difference if you fan the leaves or not. Irises bloom once per year and typically in late spring or early summer.