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Keep it light and fun: Flirting over text is a casual way to connect with someone, so keep the tone light and fun. And now hes turning to you because bored and lonely. It's awkward. 41. Does he respond in a reasonable amount of time? Liked what you just read? How to Know if a Guy Likes you Through Texting (14 Texts to Watch for). So just like you should be aware of tone when texting him. Along the same lines, you also want to avoid rapid fire texting him. My cheeks are hurting from all the smiling, I cant stop. "You have electrocuted me with your love , writing from the death bed right now." 3. And where you are inyour relationship. Make an 'inside joke' 3. You look so good right now. "I am so happy for you. Well it depends. Means that youll need to pay attention to your communication patterns and tempos. 200+ Flirty Questions To Ask A Guy (That He Wont Be Able To Resist), How to Text A Guy First Without Sounding Desperate (+ Examples). Morning, you! So if youre actually busy hanging out with friends when he texts you. They might think theyre simply being funny or catching their attention, but theyre definitely coming off as overbearing. Were too old to be sending these one-worded texts. Instead text him an open ended question for example: What was the best part of your day?. Real life is so much better than having a dream about me, 36. Its best to keep texts more on the subtle playful and sweet flirty banter. It can become problematic. They might not even be desperate. There is this one cute guy I cant stop thinking about What should I do about him? Keep him on his toes to build the attraction. If you kiss me, Im not responsible for what happens next. Then youll start a fun, interesting conversation which youll both look forward to continuing when you meet face to face! All while avoiding sending any messages that could be interpreted as overtly sexual. And a cute guy to eat it with. This approach eliminates the back and forth messages, that can curb ongoing interest. So put your phone down, relax, and hold tight. I know Im supposed to wait to text you, but I cant help myself. If you want to keep a guys interest over text then its vital to always text him in a way that adds value to your relationship. Anything beyond that like sending a guy your life story. [Read: How to get a guy to text you first if you dont want to appear overeager]. Do you want to know the first thing that I will do, when I see you? , 30. How would you feel if the tables were turned, and a guy did that to you? Stop being a stranger. How to text a guy to keep him interested with examples. You will find text messages to send him that are witty, charming, sassy, sexy, funny and sweet. Avoid getting too serious or heavy too quickly. I love you a latte. You were the first person I wanted to tell:). For a list of good questions (that could also double as fun tinder pick-up lines) then check out our post here>> The Best Flirty Would You Rather Questions To Ask A Guy. Show him your outgoing and positive personality as there's nothing more attractive than someone who has a fun approach to life. Texting with your guy should be fun. For more good Flirty questions check out our article here >> 200+ Flirty Questions To Ask A Guy. As well as, last minute updates to the plan. It's been way too long since we've hung out, don't you think?