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Peter is dozing on the couch when a sneaky fox tries to sneak attack him. Or the fic were Derek Hale goes through rough times and Stiles is there to help, so is Uncle Peter and Chris. Stile is sent to live with his uncle when his father decides he's too much work. Chris Argent has a certain debt to pay back to his father, Gerard. You are my mate. In which the only constants in Stiles Stilinskis life are that there has always been both Peter Hale and time travel. She spent her entire life keeping these urges in check, despite there being so many people she wanted to kill, but the Nogitsune showed her the joy of it and she cant not have that rush anymore. Of course. Slow Build Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski - Archive of Our Own tip: hetalia f/f sort:kudos, Derek will meet us there. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Stiles left Beacon Hills behind him long ago, Allison Argent a very welcome tag-along at his side. Sometimes the things we think are the worst possible scenario end up being the best things to happen to us. For more information, go to Steter Week or message Mal and Mads. This is the story of the end, and of the year that follows. Peter, surprisingly, puts a bit of himself over half of Stiles as if to shield him, but the vampires dont care. While remembering the day his boy was turned into the beautiful fox he is. . Ruthless hunters take Sheriff Stilinski and the pack hostage. For two whole weeks, sometimes more depending on the number of invitations, people are locked inside a room and have to meet other participants: speed dating like. Cora, Peter, and Isaac would stay in Beacon Hills while the rest of them piled into one of their SUVs and went to Maine. All I want for Christmas iswait, let me get my list. Meeting Erica at work, and thus meeting her Alpha, Peter, changed his life in so many ways. If youll read the text messages, youll see that I organized it a conclave meeting which was intended that Stiles wont be included in the meeting, Scott flashed his bright red eyes as his beta took one step forward to protect him from Peter.