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With the two of them together, Gwyn goes off to get their Winter Solstice gifts. Feyre later realizes that Nesta feels things more strongly than other people, and has built a shield around herself to protect her heart. Nesta says yes, because her mate taught her well. Instead she asked about her friends, he said that he saw someone crippled and left her for the others. When her behavior is questioned, she angrily replies that they have their lives, and she has her own. Nesta uses the Dread Trove to stop Feyre from dying. In A Court of Frost and Starlight, Cassian is struggling with what is happening with Nesta. He struggled the tiniest bit, trying to free his wings. In a cot. By the time Nesta and Gwyn are done working out, theyre both sweaty and out-of-breath. In training, Cassian talks about his past. They go about training the next day like nothing happened, and Nesta watches Cassian practice fighting with Azriel. Amren also sees herself in Nesta, telling her "We are the same, you and I". They hung out and then went to sleep. He tells her about his special journey as Nesta penned it. Nesta doesnt want to talk with him so she turns away and begins her descent down the stairs. He stepped into her house and the pair leave. All Rights Reserved. When Nesta is eating dinner, Cassian enters with a split lip and bloodied face. Despite looking like she has the right motives, Briallyn is unable to winnow meaning her alone wouldnt have been able to take Eriss soldiers. At this, Nesta stands up and spews a series of curses. Like "Nesta had loved Cassian since she'd first laid eyes on him. Cassian realized that Nesta wasnt willing to make a fool of herself in front of the other Illyrians and thats why she didnt want to train. Nesta ends up getting upset because its either her or Elain that will have to find the Trove objects. Cassian chases after her and goes to walk her home, on the other side of the city. Later, Cassian takes Nesta to the Sidra to walk for a little. It's a magical day. She reaches step 150 before she returns to the House where it has already prepared her a bath. Gwyn tells Nesta about a new technique she learned, Mind-Stilling a practice that originated from the Valkyrie. Bryce tells Amren she needs to find Prince Aidas or Apollion, the Prince of the Pit. Cassian goes after her. Back at the Night Court, Nesta is seen to be very withdrawn and upset due to the death of her father and the apology he gave prior to his murder at the hands of the King of Hybern. Nesta awakes and realizes it was all just a nightmare. Nessian Stories - Wattpad Nesta also talked about how Lanthys showed Nesta what life would like if she was his Queen. For eleven years he lived with his . All of a sudden, Emerie is dragged away from Nesta. Blue-Gray Cassian trains Nesta on how to control her movements and balance her weight. Golden Brown Which was one of the reasons why Nesta had a hard time admitting much emotion. Do Cassian and Nesta have babies? The inner circle observes the two males and conclude that they werent themselves, somehow under some sort of enchantment. When Eriss father met with Briallyn he brought Eriss soldiers with him, but when they returned they were aloof and strange. Emerie says she doesnt have any at the moment but will go looking for them. Eye Color Impossible she thought, weapons were banned. She sees Cassian asleep in a chair beside her. Nesta asks to speak with Feyre alone.