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He texted me few days becak he does not feel the same anymore. Its a sign your boyfriend doesnt love you if he gets annoyed with you easily. Good luck! Dear Lisa, Recently hes been distant! I dont know what happened between the two of you, but I would try talking to him and asking him to just say how he feels and why he is angry, while promising that you wont argue, disagree or contradict him in any way. Take the first right step and everything will be alright. He says hes content with how were doing. is something magical but can also turn out to be quite hurtful once its gone. If your boyfriend has directly told you that he doesnt know if he loves you, or that he loves you but not in love with you, or he loves you but not sure you are the one it means his feelings for you have changed. He would amke me food at 4am in the morning. He even paid for the deposits and first months rent About a week ago when he came home from work he told me he no longer had feelings for me and wants to break up, but he did this through text message because he said he didnt want to see me hurt or cry. I tried NC, he even contacted me two months ago to ask if i wanted to meet up then we didnt speak for three weeks then i let temptation give in and i called him four times and texted him that i missed him, and he agreed to meet up with me only to say the same things and also (i go to school across the country but we met in high school and dated before i went off to college), he said i cant be in a relationship with someone across the country. He told me he wanted to stay friends and that i could text him whenever i wanted, he always claims to be so busy with work which he is but its really b/c he doesnt want to talk to me. Hes not ur typical man who goes out loads, hes never had a one night stand and I was the 5th girl hes ever been with sexually. If your boyfriend is looking at other girls on social media or in person, it means that he may have lost interest in you and is trying to find someone else who will be interested in him. See this post about the 60 day no contact rule to see the benefits of it and how to do it: You may think nobody will ever love you again. Learn how your comment data is processed. I dont know if this makes any sense to you. Of course, you ignore them. To tell you the truth, if I were you I would let him be. But stop thinking about him, take this time to think about you. I would try the 60-day no contact rule, to give him a chance to miss you and realize what he stands to lose for good, and a chance to remember all the good times instead of focusing on your problems. Work through your shambled emotions because its only through healing that youd be able to mend your wounded heart. On my birthday, he even bought me a present but did not wish me a Happy Birthday (he never wished me before anyway). We seemed to be back on tract. You may still be in shock you may feel unable to believe that he doesnt love you. I live you deeply but I dont know me. A few days ago we got into a huge fight and he has been telling me he doesnt want to be w/me anymore but he still loves me and that Im his everythingand wants time alone BUT still wants to live with me, pick me up from work, do things together etc he still points me out to his coworkers and everyone as his fianc and gf. In December he started being even more flirty, sending pictures, and making plans for the night in the hotel room NYE. You will get through this. Please help. When we met, he was very formal and distant. Im also pressured, whether will we last a long time. Im out of our matrimonial home, lonely, depressed and retired. Is that what you really want? Hi Ive been dating this guy for 5 months and In the beginning he was so sweet and actually showed be that he cared and would always tell me he loves me.