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On the left flank stood the four- and five-story "House of Specialists" and the State Bank. The prestige of Stalin, the Soviet Union, and the worldwide Communist movement was immense, and their political position greatly enhanced.[201]. [80][81], The Red Army gradually adopted a strategy to hold for as long as possible all the ground in the city. Batyuk, its neighbor on the right, and the rest of the 62nd Army. There was an overwhelming surge in confidence and belief in victory. The writer was so impressed by his sincere interest in life, his thoughtful approach to his work, and hatred of the invaders, that he devoted one of his first essays on the Battle of Stalingrad to Anatoly Chekhov. [77] Assigned to counterattack at the Mamayev Kurgan and at Railway Station No. Finally they managed to get in touch with the artillerymen on the other side of the Volga - the area of the Krutoy ravine, along which the Germans collected reinforcements, was enveloped in dust from bursts of large-caliber projectiles. Russia has held, Egypt for the present is safe. The 6th Army now was beyond all hope of German relief. The mill provided a vital role in the Defense of Stalingrad. After a few weeks on such a diet, he had "visibly lost weight", according to Albert Speer, and Hitler "commanded Zeitzler to resume at once taking sufficient nourishment". 4,341 tanks (~150 by Romanians) (2530% were total write-offs. When Strecker finally surrendered, he and his chief of staff, Helmuth Groscurth, drafted the final signal sent from Stalingrad, purposely omitting the customary exclamation to Hitler, replacing it with "Long live Germany! According to Frieser, et al. Some German holdouts continued to operate in the city and resist until early March 1943. The German command rightly believed that the tasks of the infantry divisions in the center of the city were fully completed: the Volga shore was reached, the main crossing of the Russians ceased to function. The man was probably already dying. [191] It is often identified as the turning point on the Eastern Front, in the war against Germany overall, and in the entire Second World War. The shock groups of the 295th Infantry Division, having crushed through the defenses of the 34th Guards Rifle Regiment, reached the Volga near the mouth of the Krutoy ravine. Some 35,000 were eventually sent on transports, of which 17,000 did not survive. But it also describes the many instances of sacrifice, heroism, and suffering the men defending Stalingrad experienced. The garrison was disbanded on the night of November 24 with troops returning to their original units. Okhlobystin. Lasting from August 1942 to February 1943, the Battle of Stalingrad was the largest battle of World War II and in the history of warfare. In keeping with Stalin's Order No. horses' skeletons, and to the right, there was an enormous horrible cesspool fortunately, frozen solid. Battle of Stalingrad Documentary Series - AUP Films - Army University Press