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View resting places, research plots, search and filter . return (theImage); Each section usually has an upright monument and adjoining families will be buried beside their graves. These are Buyers Seeking to Purchase Cemetery Plots from a Private If There is no Internet Information Buyers is looking for: Four Cemetery Lots or Spaces, The Final Arrangements Map List Match PDF RULES AND REGULATIONS - Holy Cross Cemetery My mother has bought a burial plot at Holy Cross, I intend to buy a cremation package at you place, can my ashes be scattered in her plot? In observance of the Juneteenth National Holiday, our Cemetery and Mortuary offices will be closed. In addition to beautiful statuary art throughout the grounds, it is also home to a . for this Cemetery Click Here, The Final Arrangements Work here? Holy Cross Cemetery. Cemetery that Gets Sold! Map Pierce Brothers Westwood Village Memorial Park and Mortuary, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. to the Cemetery Buyers List. Actor. Selling a plot in Holy Cross Cemetery | Culver City, CA Patch This post was contributed by a community member. Information their pricing. Special characters are not allowed. Holy Cross Cemetery is a Catholic cemetery at 5835 West Slauson Avenue in Culver City, California, operated by the Los Angeles Archdiocese . Keep Track of Cemetery Lots Holy Cross Cemetery & Mortuary Culver City. nature of the cemetery will be asked to leave the property. } What is one, of the most difficult times in your life was made a little easier. least expensive. Today we had the internment of my husband and the staff was respectful and gave us all the time we needed at the graveside. Burial Plots for Sale Consumer Guide to Funeral & Cemetery Purchases. their pricing. Holy Cross Cemetery - Catholic Cemeteries - My father was buried there in 1998 and well as my uncle 5 months later I had a wonderful experience with both of them. Catholic Cemeteriesand Mortuaries is a ministry of the Church, a beneficiary of the faithfuls daily prayers for the souls of the departed and the provider of a resting place on holy ground. Wills, This annual tradition takes place on its sacred grounds each Sunday afternoon during Lent. Add pricing info. Sell Your Cemetery Lots or Plots for Sale and Grave Sites with Burial A grave liner that is generally used to prevent the cemetery ground from sinking over time. A Community Mausoleum is the ideal option for those seeking a traditional burial with a casket and wish to have their final resting place be above ground.