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The show follows the exploits of Sunnyvale's most notorious residents, Ricky, Julian, and Bubbles, as they attempt to make money through various greasy (and mostly illegal) get-rich-quick schemes, hotly pursued by the park's drunken supervisor, Jim Lahey, and his shirtless sidekick, Randy. Series cancelled; production was to have resumed in September 1986, with Knight planning on returning to work. John Dunsworth R.I.P. Character killed off, with his death addressed in the seventh-season premiere. On a Facebook post written on May 26, 2021, from the "100% John Dunsworth" page, which is a page run by Dunsworth's surviving family and friends, it was revealed in the comments section in a comment made by the page that he passed due to complications related to thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura. This and two others that had yet to be broadcast, were postponed until, with his widow's permission, they were broadcast in January 1988. Dubbing it the Pier One Theatre, it became the city's first and most successful alternative theater production house. The final episode that featured his character aired eight days after his death. Major recurring characters of Troy McClure and Lionel Hutz retired, occasionally being used in background shots. 13. The show premiered on Canadian TV in 2001 and lasted seven seasons but didnt see a rise in popularity in the United States until it was released on Netflix in 2008. First-run episodes that were completed prior to his final illness were aired on schedule through the end of the 19861987 season. John Dunsworth, star of the hit Canadian TV series "Trailer Park Boys," died Tuesday at age 71, according to his daughter, Sarah. The net worth of John Dunsworth is believed to be $500,000. This is a beautiful country, and I encourage people to get out and see it, he said to the news outlet. Although his character was rarely seen without a bottle of alcohol, Dunsworth wasnt a drinker. Filmed a year before his death. John Dunsworth, best known for his portrayal of the stumbling drunk Jim Lahey on the Canadian mockumentary series Trailer Park Boys, is being remembered for his underappreciated acting range, his skill at physical comedy and the countless one-liners he delivered on the show.