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infant mortality rates in the Black community. Its not something that shocked them, to be honest. She needs to do this to protect herself and her babies, and we get it. The mothers deserve more respect Poor Karen got 2 name the baby triplet that passed away Karter. Doubling Down With The Derricos features Karen and Deon Derrico, plus their 14 children. The outlet notes that fans are pleading with the Derricos to stop trying to expand their family. ", However, GG believes that meeting Amani has given her "a new purpose.". Their children were all conceived naturally and without in vitro fertilization, the couple said. Karens most recent Instagram update included a peek at the new chapter her family has entered. Updated We have a lot that we have dealt with, that we have gone through and we had no one to turn to, Deon Derrico said, There was no book to read. All articles, images, product names, logos, and brands are property of their respective owners. However, the twosome is also dealing with the introduction of a new potential family member and Deon's mother GG's health struggles. Food stamps was established to help people eat when they couldnt afford to buy groceries. Doubling Down With The Derricos (DDWTD) fans are eager to see the return of the show on TLC next month. Doubling Down with the Derricos. God has given them the charge to have children!! GG asks her son Deon, who replies, "Fight is all you know.". We do need to pray for the family and not condemn them, but we cant overlook the fact that they are struggling and are in need of counseling and financial help. She joined the brand in 2021 as digital news writer, spanning across the site's verticals. Her writing gained recognition and since 2009, she's written for sites such as What to Expect, Where'd My Sanity Go, and dozens more. Related: Doubling Down With the Derricos: The Family of 16 Was Famous Before the TLC Show. She is a great grand yo the babies .the kids love her so much .. Their business was put out there for all to see because they chose to put themselves on Reality TV. He gives a vague explanation that he is in real estate, but the truth of the matter is that he cant even pay his mortgage on his homestead. But when it comes to Grandma Marriann (GG), the show takes a more serious tone as she struggles with her health issues. The family reality series gave viewers a look into Karen and Deon Derrico's life with their 14 kids and the family's journey through the birth of their set of triplets. Were they natural? In love with this layout!" Deon also flaunted his new house by posting, "Although our vacation home is situated in Myrtle . Stream Full Episodes of Doubling Down With the Derricos:discovery+ https://www.tlc.. Others are requesting an update once she finds out whether she got into the program. The most difficult challenge, however, comes when the couple finds out that one of their kids, Diez, may need brain surgery. 'Doubling Down With The Derricos' Season 4: Deon Walks Out Trailer Mimicking Filmmakers Style Divides Social Media, Love After Lockup Season 4: Skylar and Nathan Share Sweet Posts of Him Bonding With Her Daughters.