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[Top 5 Causes And Solutions]. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Some individuals also suggest the use of hydrogen peroxide in getting rid of nerite snail eggs. Theshells can have areas of dark gold, dark grey, or even black. Has your nerite snail been able to crawl up inside a hallow decoration? How Many Nerite Snails Per Gallon? Hi I have one zebra snail and it has reproduced and at last count I have 11 baby snails. Its possible that we are still far from fully understanding them. We have 2 missing in action. I inherited my 2 nerites when they were 10 years old. I use well water in my tank so there shouldnt be any salt in it. For example, in the study Freshwater neritids (Mollusca: Gastropoda) of tropical islands, amphidromy as a life cycle, a review biologists said and I quote After a few weeks spent at sea metamorphosed juveniles recruit at river mouths and then migrate (often over 10 km) upstream where they spend the rest of their life Juvenile forms have been observed to move together in long lines and/or dense aggregations. Dont panic, they are probably still in your tank. Disclosure: Our website is reader-supported. They do not have an effect on the water. the missing snail still was not found a yes it is a mystery snail. Interesting fact: snails can be awake for 30+ hours with clusters of around seven bouts of sleeping over a 13-15 hour period. If these types of species do not satisfy their needs, then resulting in stress and causing death. Check the aquarium lid and plug any gaps through which the snails could escape. Sometimes they can be still for hours and even days. Snails float on the water surface to make a new change in their habitat. I recently switched all my livestock over to a 40g breeder from a 29g. Its quite strange, and it suggests that we still have a lot to learn about these snails and their true nature. Location. There are just under 250 species that make up this family and the vast majority of these snails hug the coastline of whatever area they occupy. If your snail species are dying, then make some adjustments for the health and long life. So, how do you tell if a snail is dead? The shell it not alive and cannot repair itself. If your nerite snail disappeared and youve regularly checked everywhere in the tank, try checking outside the tank because its possible that your snail pulled a great escape. Like Amano shrimp larvae, Nerite veligers are also attracted to light. Look in your filter, too. I am not going to get anymore nerites and when the babies are big enough, I will give them to my LFS. If you have more questions about snails, check out my article 30 Frequently Asked Questions about Snails in Freshwater Tanks.