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Negative values lower it. If no faith is specified, then the doctrine will be removed from your faith. This is a debug command that will save a complete list of all modifiers, triggers, effects, event scopes, and more debug information to "Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings III\logs". The ID of the character you want to grant the nickname with. Entering it again disables it. Marauding Slavers from [hostile_sub_realm.GetNameNoTierNoTooltip] Passes [law id] to the realm of [character id], if no character is specified then the player characters realm. CK3 Event IDs List | Commands.gg The IDs of the characters you want the relation to be added to. (Affects AI as well as the player). Greedy: +5% monthly income and +10% monthly income per stress level. Replaces the attribute icons with brighter ones that are more similar to those in CK2, and makes the color backdrops behind the attribute values brighter so that they are more easy to distinguish at a glance. The ID of the character you want the culture to be changed for. This command displays the description of the specified command. The amount of learning skill you want to add to the character. 21 ck2 how to find character id Quick Guide - pgdtaygiang.edu.vn How to find trait ID and innovation ID????????? In order to access to CK3 console, you first need to enable debug mode. Feel free to make your own version of this mod if you feel so inclined, I won't be updating it anymore from here on. remove_trait: remove_trait [trait id] [character id] This command removes a specified trait from the specified character. Crusader Kings 3: Pro Tips To Level Up Your Rule, Crusader Kings 3: How to Change Taxes and Levies, The Craziest Things You Can Do In Crusader Kings 3, Persona 5 Characters Get Barbie-Inspired Makeover, Mass Effect Player Has An Unfortunate Wardrobe Malfunction, +1 General Opinion per level over 8 & -1 per each level below 8, +1% Monthly prestige per level (starting from 8 at level 0), Determines the Opinion gained from specific events, Determines the effectiveness of diplomacy actions, +2% Domain taxes per level over 8 & -2% Domain taxes per level under 8, +1% Hostile scheme success chance per level, Determines the effectiveness of intrigue actions, Determines success chance of imprisonment actions, +1% Cultural fascination bonus if the player is the cultural head of a Faith, Determines the prestige cost of increasing the crown authority, Determines the success chance of Demand Conversion actions, Determines the effectiveness of a character in duels, Building The Tower of London (a special structure) +30%, The first perk of the Guile dynasty legacy +20%, Dreadful perk in Torturer tree (Intrigue lifestyle) +30%, Hard Rule perk in Overseer tree (Martial lifestyle) +20%, Public Display of Ruthlessness modifier (Host Feast) +25%, Suspicious Reputation modifier (Learning lifestyle event) +20%, Dangerous to Know modifier (Learning lifestyle event) +20%, Wind Spirits' Blessing modifier (Seek Aid of the Spirits decision) +25%, Dying: "You are at Death's doorstep" - Health near 0, Near Death: "You are not long for this world" - Health midway between 0 and 1, Poor: "You are ailing" - Health between 1 and 3, Fine: "You are feeling fine" - Health between 3 and 5, Good: "Your humors are balanced" - Health between 5 and 7, Excellent: "You are full of vim and vigor!" Dread can be gained or lost through acts of intimidation and terror, as an effect of various Attributes, and naturally through many traits. I cant seem to figure out how to find ID for traits, and innovation. One must reinforce good traits as listed below. Are you sick of every single woman in medieval Europe being raised like they're some kind of e-thot MEGA ? Pressing tab reveals all trait IDs. Existing savegames (either with the old mod or the vanilla game without the mod) can theoretically be transferred directly to the new mod.