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Aside from his numerous film roles (174 films), Karloff acted in many live stage plays and appeared on dozens of radio and television programs as well. really stupid type casting(not to mention a glimpse of Hollywood) We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Boris Karloff: More Than A Monster. Karloff's portrayal of the character is an example of Hollywood's use of yellowface and its portrayal of East Asians in the earlier half of the 20th century. [26] Because Ravenscroft (who never met Karloff in the course of their work on the show)[27] was uncredited for his contribution to How the Grinch Stole Christmas!, his performance of the song was at times misattributed to Karloff.[28]. Sara, your father seemed like such a lovely, lovely man. Frightening Facts About Boris Karloff, The Master of Horror - Factinate Karloff joined the Jeanne Russell Company in 1911 and performed in towns like Kamloops (British Columbia) and Prince Albert (Saskatchewan). Boris Karloff was the funniest, gentlest, kindest, quietist and most articulate English gentleman that ever lived." Born William Henry Pratt in England, Boris Karloff was the youngest of nine children. Sara Karloff - San Diego Comic Fest San Diego Comic Fest is honored that Sara Karloff will be joining us in celebrating the 200th anniversary of Mary Shelleys Frankenstein and her fathers remarkable, unforgettable performance as Dr. Frankensteins creation. p. 550. Perhaps the only way we might intuit how his mixed race background effected him as a child is by considering how Hindoos were viewed in late Victorian Britain. Ms. Karloff, Simply put.your Dad was to acting as Sunshine is to summerhis affect on the profession was unsurpassed and Never will be/CAN be duplicated.. I contacted you probably 14 years ago telling you thank you for being accessible and how I wish a movie on your dads life would be produced and that I believed Jeremy Irons would be the only actor possible to be able to do your dad justice in such a film. Sara met Ron Chaney (great-grandson of Lon Chaney Sr. and grandson of Lon Chaney Jr.) and Bela Lugosi Jr. (son of Bela Lugosi) for the first time in 1993 at a Famous Monsters of Filmland convention. (1967) and went to England to star in the second feature film of the British director Michael Reeves, The Sorcerers (1967).