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At Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist we understand the importance of referrals. Four J1772 charger in reserved spaces located in parking deck C off Cloverdale Ave. No card needed. /Size 86 Many patients are recovering from surgical procedures to remove benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous) brain tumors or to provide treatment for brain aneurysms. Find health care providers and services at Pediatric Endocrinology - Ardmore Tower, part of Wake Forest Baptist Health in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. PDF Quick Reference Referral Guide - Atrium Health HItIq|x$T#g/2++3Gc2*[IKsg*To~Kr{Y,o_/v-sqic-{S3~w|Xq+{{zKk91srz+k9';gl5M8gjnZn4sV;nqLo1Ot. /FontBBox [ -857 -347 1556 1236 ] The doctors and staff here are awesome. Globally, there's over 100 million people who enjoy belonging to their local Baptist community. Visitors` Guide - Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center - In-hospital interactions should maintain social distancing of six (6) feet to include interaction with a patient. It is one of only two burn centers in the state. /Type /Catalog endstream endobj startxref Pharmacy Hours Monday - Friday \ 7 am - 7 pm Gift Shop Hours Monday - Friday \ 8:30 am - 7 pm Saturday \ 8:30 am - 5 pm Sunday \ 1 pm - 5 pm Food Services The following facilities are located within the medical center: Ardmore Cafeteria Ardmore Tower, Main Floor Open Seven Days a Week Breakfast \ 6:30 am - 10 am At Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist, diversity has always been one of our core values. >> At Baptist Health, our world is about you and helping you feel better. 639 ] 80 0 R >> >> P.O. Medical Genetics - 7th Floor Ardmore Tower is a service of NC Baptist Hospital. /OP false Mission, Vision & Values. Exceptions to number of visitors, visiting hours or age limitations may be granted in compassionate care situations, such as end-of-life scenario, support for patients with disabilities (including cognitive or developmental disabilities) and other considerations on a case-by-case basis. Fourth Street Parking Deck. - Critical Care/ICU: Two (2) visitors at a time 16 years old and above from 9am 9pm. Once in the elevator press G for ground. %%EOF Visitation by children younger than 12 years old is not permitted. /S 574 hbbd``b`*6@q"R1 ! You have permission to edit this article. stream If you haveconcerns or complaints,please talk to your doctor, nurse or other care giver about any of your concerns. The tower will house an emergency department, operating rooms and adult intensive care units, along with radiology, pathology and other related services. Other places inside Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center. Park on the Orange level in the C deck and take walkway to Ardmore Tower. Maps, Directions and Parking | Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist HPR- High Point Regional Whatever you need done, we can do it. At the time, it was the first such center in North Carolina and one of just 27 nationally.