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Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. April 1965. Copyright 2022, All Rights Reserved, Developed And Managed By ESPL, Operation Francis Marion 4th ID 1st Brigade, Ronald Joseph Bonert, 2nd Bde LRRP, KIA Jun 14, 1967, Daniel Lee Harmon, 2nd Bde LRRP, KIA June 2, 1967, Charles Jackson Britt, 2nd Bde LRRP 1966-67, KIA March 30, 1972, Reunion Group Photos (provided by Les Willie Williams), Eyes Behind the Lines Major James Gebhardt, LRRP (Provisional) 2nd Bde 4th Inf Div VIETNAM Frank Camper, Sitreps 1967 1st Bde Francis Marion, 4th Infantry Division Operation Reports, Feb68-Nov68. In so doing, they helped several Communist insurgent movements that they would have to fight after the war. Colonel Henri Bouquet, a Swiss mercenary employed by the British, wrote that the war fought in the wilds of the New World required that troops destined to engage Indians must be lightly clothed, armed and accoutered Although Bouquet was speaking of troops in company-size strength, the new tactics considered heretical in an era of massed troop formations were catching on. The Regiment is headquartered at Fort Benning, Georgia, and comprises one special soldier's Battalion and three ranger battalions. The Ranger companies in Vietnam were deactivated during the period 1969 to 1972 as the units they were attached to were deactivated or returned to the United States as part of Vietnamization, though Company O (Arctic Ranger), 75th Infantry Regiment would be reactivated in 1970 for duty at Fort Richardson, Alaska, for a short period of time. However, reality found that both types of teams became skilled at hit-and-run ambushes and gathering battlefield intelligence. The platoon was organized into a headquarters section (CO, XO, operations sergeant, and six radio operators), eight recondo teams, and three hawkeye teams. SP5 Paul S. Hernandes examines a Vietnamese child's throat during a medical aid operation in Xuan Vinh Refugee Resettlement Camp. Shocking images such as Nick Ut's "Napalm Girl" and Eddie Adams' "Saigon Execution" have become synonymous with the widespread outrage and disapproval of the war in the United States. The 75th Infantry Regiment (Ranger) (officially 75th Infantry Regiment or 75th Infantry) was initially a parent regiment for all the US Army Ranger units during the Vietnam War and the early 1980s and then the headquarters for the Ranger battalions. This history deals with the activities, personnel, and accomplishments of Company K (Ranger), 75th Infantry (Airborne), during the period 1 February 1969 through 10 December 1970, and briefly highlights the history of the units that preceded, and led to the establishment of Company K (Ranger), 75th Infantry (Airborne).