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The heavy rain has prompted the closing of several large shellfish areas in Narragansett Bay, the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management announced Tuesday afternoon. The DEM will sample the water later this week and early next week. This is the time to stay home and stay safe.. The rest of the state is in severe drought, which is considered less serious. Coastal communities were devastated. PDF 25418 Federal Register /Vol. 88, No. 80/Wednesday, April 26, 2023/Notices Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. 1998 - 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. | All Rights Reserved. DO NOT DUMP POLLUTANTS in the storm drains; they empty directly into the ocean and on the beaches/shorelines. At any time of year, a storm from over the ocean can bring heavy precipitation to the U.S. coasts. Below is a sample of memes that have caught our eyes: Cranston has gotten 10.83 inches of rain over the last 24 hours, the highest amount reported to the National Weather Service for the storm that's flooded roads and buildings in Rhode IslandMonday and Tuesday. Heavy rains left Rhode Island streets and roadways flooded Monday afternoon, bringing traffic in some places to a total standstill. Henri lostits status as a Category 1 hurricanebetween 6 and 7 a.m. when sustained winds dropped from 75 to 70mph. Also read: Wind Gusts Knock Out Power For 7,500 In Rhode Island, Wind Gusts Knock Out Power For 7,500 In Rhode Island. Narragansett Bay took the worst hit, where a storm surge of 12 to 15 feet destroyed most coastal homes, marinas and yacht clubs. Winds dropped below 50 mphand the weather servicecanceled itssurge warningin the early afternoon. Overall, the program reduces the socio-economic impact of disasters by promoting the purchase and retention of general risk insurance, but also of flood insurance, specifically. James R. Tierney, Manager, Town of Narragansett, 25 5th Avenue, Narragansett, RI 02882. US Dept of Commerce Carol made landfall on eastern Long Island and southeastern Connecticut about 12 hours later, moving at over 35 mph. Damage to the fishing fleets was catastrophic. Just one week later Diane brought 3 to 6 inches of rain to central and southern Rhode Island, and 7 to 10-plus inches of rain to the northern portion of the state. "Asking all surfers to use your head and don't go in the water," Manni said. There was one indirect fatality related to the mid-March event.