Dominic: Don't raise you voice at you mama! Thiss the first time I ever been in his room. Crooks said darkly, Guys dont come into a coloured mans room very much, Section 4 page 114 scene between Crooks and Curleys Wife Crooks had reduced himself to nothing. I aint so crippled I cant work like a son-of-a-b*tch if I want to'" (Steinbeck 37-38). Where Lennie doesnt really understand racism and social norms because of his childlike mentality, Crooks has to explain why he isnt allowed in the bunkhouse and why he lives alone etc which reveals an awful lot about racist attitudes in the 1930s. What she says is true." He tells Candy to "jus' forget" about him helping on the "dream ranch", protecting himself by claiming he was "just foolin". That ain't no good. Grab the guitar and make sure you're comfortable with the neck and the body (if you don't know which one is the neck & body click here ) TOPIC FREQUENCY. Crooks had reduced himself to nothing. D. Howdy, pardner - y'all need my skills in your workforce, and I'm ready to oblige you., PLEASE DO I WILL LITERALLY SEND MONEY AND I SWEAR I WILL I AM DESPARTLY IN NEED ITS DUE TODAY PLEASE Students will work on a 22-paragraph personal nar Well my rig's a little old but that don't mean she's slow. Some key quotes from this section are: 'Cause I'm blackThey say I stink' 'The white kids come to play at our place, an' sometimes I went to play with them' 'If I say something, why it's just a nigger saying it.' 'A guy can talk to you an' be sure you won't go blabbin' - Crooks is lonely and needs to get things . When Curleys wife come in, though, the power dynamic shifts. He picks fights with taller/bigger guys, if he loses the other guy looks like a bully, if he wins it looks like the other guy is weak. Nobodyd listen to you, an you know it. I think he did this because he is/was tired of people treating him wrong/differently for no reason, so on the outside he made people think, "oh he is leaving me alone and staying far away, must mean he does not want to talk to me." But I know now. He hesitated, and when he spoke again his voice was softer. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. 'You guys comin' in an' settin' made me forget. 'Yes, maam.
Of Mice and Men Flashcards | Quizlet That was your own Aunt Clara. Jeff takes a seat under the. Like Crooks, she feels segregated from people on the ranch but she has the added stigma of being her husband's property.
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