Rapid Fire Frame (260 RPM) The highest DPS in PvE among all five is obviously Rapid-Frame, while the worst one is Aggressive Frame. Shadow Dance is such a massive part of our kit, that Sub Rogue gameplay essentially boils down to using it to force defensive cooldowns and PvP trinkets on the enemy team, and then waiting 50 seconds for your next Shadow Dance. Chances are, youre not surviving for 2 minutes until you can use Metamorphosis again, either. On the flipside, we unfortunately struggle slightly in the 3v3 bracket, as we are slightly squishy and prone to getting focused down, and it is easier for enemy teams to crowd-control us during our Shadow Dance, thus shutting our damage down. Given that we cant compete with them in the survivability or crowd control departments, we live and die by this damage advantage, so when it goes away, unfortunately so do we. Preg plays pretty similarly to Ret, so naturally it has most of the same strengths and weaknesses, and works in the same arena comps. Terrible mobility, terrible survivability, non-existent crowd control, and for the most part unimpressive damage. Discord. WoW Wrath Classic: Best PVP Class Tier List (WotLK) Secondly, they only do the ridiculous damage theyre known for when theyre using an almost full set of PvE gear with armor penetration, most notably from the Heroic Icecrown Citadel raid. You can also use it to keep track of your completed quests, recipes, mounts, companion pets, and titles! The specializations that make up the C-Tier are on the weaker side of the spectrum. Which healers are the best to play in WotLK? As a result of all of these changes, Elemental becomes a fairly resilient spec, with absolutely phenomenal damage. PvP TIER LIST - All Classes & Specs | Wrath of the Lich King You will see one of these specs in most of your games, though they wont be quite as ubiquitous as S-tier specs. The main aspects we use to rank each class are based upon 3 factors: Synergy with other classes, support, buffs, and debuffs. Just like some of the other melee classes on this list, warriors can simply get kited forever in the open world and without much self-healing, this is a recipe for disaster.
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