Never miss a show Track your favorite bands and get show alerts for your area. 11:00a 12:00p: Al Green (60 min) Ice Cube Vendors probably were greedy, charging $4 for bottled water and $4 for pretzels. Arlo Davy Guthrie (born July 10, 1947) is an American folk singer. Other headliners include the New York premieres of Raymond and Ray (directed by Rodrigo Garcia and starring Ewan McGregor and Ethan Hawke); Martin McDonaghs The Banshee of Inisherin (Colin Farrell, Brendan Gleeson); and Triangle of Sadness by the Swedish filmmaker Ruben stlund. 2022 Lineup ShamrockFest 2022 ShamrockFest features tons of acts on multiple stages! 4:00p 5:00p: Live (60 min) B. KingsYou Done Lost Your Good Thing Now, a wonderful I Cant Stand It (Bo Diddley) or theChuck Berryclassic Johnny B. Goode as the encore. Shaggy of The Insane Clown Posse performs on the west stage Friday at Woodstock '99 in Rome, New York at Griffiss AFB Park for the 30th Anniversary Concert. The Woodstock 99 lineup included hit performers from the late 90s, including nu metal artists Korn, Limp Bizkit and Insane Clown Posse, soft rock performers Sheryl Crow and Jewel, and throwback. 1:30p 2:30p: Sugar Ray (60 min) In that time of conflict and uncertainty, three days of peace and music seemed to be just what a divided nation needed. Read more of her writing at About. 02, 2023, 11:54 a.m. Wesley Schultz and Jeremiah. Shenandoah County Fairgrounds - Woodstock, VA 300 Fairgrounds Road, Woodstock Virginia. The Woodstock show is widely considered as one of their best performances. The set list was wisely chosen and featured their greatest hits: Going Up the Country and On the Road Again, the last one as the encore. 12:00p 12:15p: Set change During her set the audience lit up candles to accompany the music. For More Information contact Pat O'Brien at 307.431.2022. . The Incredible String Band, who refused to play on Friday due the rain, performed on Saturday at about 6.00 pm. In that time of conflict and uncertainty, three days of peace and music seemed to be just what a divided nation needed. Hello Wood is a hands-on, design-build education platform focused on innovative and sustainable design solutions using wood as a primary construction material. Young's discography will be removed from Spotify later this evening.". Looking forward to 2023 - August 26th & 27th! Janis Joplinand her former bandBig Brother & the Holding Companygained stardom at theMonterey International Pop Festival 1967. Metallica While ostensibly a film about PTSD, Mending the Line is really a story about finding something to make living worthwhile.. 9:10p 10:10p: Korn (60 min) The Woodstock '69 Lineup - Day One: Friday, August 15 - Richie Havens From the Prison Get Together From the Prison (Reprise) The Minstrel from Gault I'm a Stranger Here High Flying Bird I Can't Make It Anymore With a Little Help from My Friends Handsome Johnny Strawberry Fields Forever > Hey Jude Freedom (Motherless Child)
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