Talisa is the second death after her unborn child when she is stabbed multiple times in the stomach. If Lord Manderly was responsible, then the motive was a payback for the Red Wedding; if the murderers were, In addition to the aforementioned people, recently the Brotherhood - led by the monstrous Lady Stoneheart (the reanimated Catelyn) - has been capturing people who have absolutely nothing to do with the Red Wedding, and never harmed any Starks or Tullys; their only "crime" is that they have some connection, even very remote, to the Lannisters, Boltons or Freys. After Ned Stark is executed by Joffrey Baratheon, his eldest son, Robb Stark, calls forth the banners of the north and marches south for vengeance. The Red Wedding 's bloody tragedy is partly based on the Black Dinner, an infamous event that occurred in Scotland in November 1440. The Red Wedding. It aired eight years ago, but if your pulse picks up when you hear The Rains of Castamere then you, like many other Game of Thrones fans, still aren't over the Red Wedding. Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you. Heres everything you need to know about that awful night. Spencer Matthews wasn't invited to bestie Jamie Laing's wedding His bannermen go further and declare Robb King in the North, and the Houses decide their fight is no longer only for revenge, but for freedom from the Seven Kingdoms as well. The Red Wedding begins with the stabbing of Talisa, an act so shocking that Robb freezes and is shot multiple times by crossbow fire. You're probably still reeling from the bloody "Red Wedding" that closed last Sunday's episode of " Game of Thrones ," which saw the deaths of Catelyn Stark (Michelle Fairley), her son Robb (Richard Madden), and Robb's wife and unborn child in spectacularly gory fashion. It should be one of the happiest nights of their lives, but the massacre extinguishes any hopes for their family. [12] IGN's Matt Fowler gave the episode a perfect 10/10, calling it "an exquisitely awful event that managed to out-do the unpredictable and horrifying death of Ned Stark back in Season 1". Roose brings his army from the causeway to the Twins, where he marries his third wife, Walda Frey, one of Lord Walder Frey's granddaughters.. Arya Stark hears that Lord Bolton has occupied the ruby ford. Every King Who Dies in Game of Thrones - CBR . For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. At the start of the celebrations, Catelyn overhears Talisa telling Robb that they will name their child Eddard, and she smiles, appreciating her daughter-in-law for the first time. Rotten Tomatoes, a prominent review aggregator, surveyed 39 reviews of the installment and judged 100% of them to be positive with an average score of 9.94 out of 10.
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