a federal registry of residential information on sex offenders. B. have an arbitration hearing at Wallys association, if Jona agrees. D. comparative financial analysis. A. not a violation of Code, because it targets listed properties. Megamart, a retailer of consumer goods, provides the following information on two of its departments (each considered an investment center). Sacha does not want arbitration, and both agree to get lawyers and sue one another. REALTORS are prohibited from receiving compensation from more than one party in a transaction. The broker acted properly to obtain a quick offer on the property. C. both Broker Joann and Broker Millie. sales associates are agents of the broker. Buyer Halie refers to other houses she has looked at with REALTOR Grant. B. disclose the existing offer only if the seller gives permission B. have an arbitration hearing at Wallys association, if Jona agrees. A. D. no, because the user had the choice to click or not to click. Each party must be informed he will not receive. A. may ask the local Association of REALTORS to provide them with a free mediator. ____ agency occurs when an agent acts for two or more different principals in the same transaction. The broker is merely puffing. REALTOR Kim has a listing on a property and REALTOR John, a sales associate for REALTOR Millie, makes an appointment to show it. D) Identify which statement is true. C. express an opinion about the quality of title on a property D) A. This fact favors Under the _____ test, if the agent's motivation for committing an intentional tort is to promote the _____ business, the principal is liable for any injury caused by the tort. A licensed broker obtained an exclusive right-to-sell listing from an owner. The couple wants to ensure their children are raised in a diverse area. Agents are generally allowed to self-deal with the principal, especially if the self-dealing is undisclosed. 119. Sacha does not want arbitration, and both agree to get lawyers and sue one another. It is part of a body of law established by tradition and court decisions. D) B. not consider how and when Amy entered the transaction. D) What should Erin tell Jones? D. A REALTOR accepts an undisclosed fee from a buyer while serving as a listing agent for the seller. REALTOR Antonio has been asked by a listing client to prepare an opinion of value on his property. REALTOR-ASSOCIATE Olivia believes that REALTOR Jon from another brokerage sold a house to her client and that she was the procuring cause of the sale. C. Ann does not have to cite her reasons for filing an ethics complaint against Marge.
Chapter 4_Brokerage Relationships and Ethics Quizzes - Chegg That same day, Jans buyer client calls Carlos directly and asks for an appointment to see the property and Carlos provides the showing. Which of the following is an INCORRECT statement regarding a fully disclosed agency? B. B. Jack Broker Deb. Common law, statutory law, and administrative law, Real estate agency relationships are governed by which kinds of law? C. litigate any differences. Neither the offer nor the escrow instructions mentioned: (a) the broker as the agent, or (b) terms for payment of a commission. Identify which statement regarding complaint filing is TRUE.
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