Robert Jean Hastings was born on 17 May 1924 in Marion, Williamson County, Illinois, United States of America. The Station (by Robert Hastings) January 20, 2021. It's definitely the journey, not the destination. ''|Lf)JU2I[pO/`;vADT{M[_QFU q@PYy0{^ igxJr]( mPgK%w+x +u5*:c-,>NI)x Jump to: Biography Memories Family Tree Followers George He is survived by his wife, Bessie; two daughters, Ruth Anne Jessup of Larkspur, Calif., and Nancy Sue Schumacher of San Anselmo, Calif.; one son, Timothy of West Frankfort, Ill; and three grandchildren. We're 599 Orders prepared. Please share Robert's obituary if available, or write one in your own words to preserve his memory. The Station by Robert J. Hastings - LinkedIn Digging In Robert J. Hastings Analysis '', ''When I put the last kid through college. Talented Writer Is Remembered Sat., April 26, 1997 Ann Landers Creators Syndicate Dear Readers: One of the most frequently requested essays since I have been Check out the new look and enjoy easier access to your favorite features. Rather, it is regret over yesterday or fear of tomorrow. It constantly outdistances us. And once we get there so many wonderful dreams will come true. I try to remind myself, but dang it, this journey is painfulI want to be done with school. Shop paperbacks, eBooks, and more! Hastings, author and UFO researcher, believes aliens are real. WebBuilt in 1887 to serve the growing North East area of Hastings, Ore Station was openeed 1st January 1888. A native of Marion, Ill., Hastings led the Illinois Baptist to the top rating in a 1978 study of state Baptist newspapers by Syracuse University school of journalism professor Roland E. Wolseley, who cited the paper for its emphasis on human interest and content reflecting interests of Illinois readers. HASTINGS, Robert B. Burial will be Jan. 21 in Carbondale, Ill. Memorials may be made to the Illinois Baptist State Association, Springfield. Before assuming his Illinois editors role, Hastings was secretary of the Kentucky Baptist Conventions department of stewardship promotion, 1960-65, and assistant director of church finance at the Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee, Nashville, Tenn., 1955-60. So many wishes will be fulfilled and so many pieces of our lives finally will be neatly fitted together like a completed jigsaw puzzle. KSO was the only Des Moines Relish the moment is a good motto, especially when coupled with Psalm 118:24: This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.. 10, addressed, stamped envelope (39 cents postage) to Ann Landers, P.O. On a certain day at a certain hour we will pull into the station. When we reach the station that will be it! we cry. Regret and fear are twin thieves who would rob us of today. The day after I read the poem I realized that it was time to pull into the ''station.''.
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