WebGeneral Information. For new licenses, the certificate must have been issued within two years. If the permit is granted, the Clerks Office will mail your permit to you. The most common reasons for denial of a concealed handgun permit, other than a criminal offense, is the failure of applicants to completely fill out question number two regarding length of residence on the application and/or the failure to answer all questions. Before you apply for a CCW permit in Virginia, you must meet all the requirements provided by the laws of the state. Application Instructions. Furthermore, nobody can buy more than one firearm within thirty days, except with a Virginia CCW permit.
Concealed Two photographs, meeting the following requirements: 22 inches in width & height (standard passport photos). Online classes are no longer accepted. The Clerks Office will send the permit by
Checks are to be made payable to Clerk, Bedford County Circuit
Additional Resources Virginia Gun Laws Virginia Open Carry Laws Virginia Gun Permit Laws Please be advised that this fee is non-refundable. State/National parks and forest: You can conceal carry with your Virginia CCW permit in forests, parks, and other wildlife management areas except for hog island, buggs island, and in Gaston reservoir. This law covers active, out of service with good standing, and retired law enforcement officers. Declared insane, mentally incompetent, or treated in a mental institution within the past 5 years, Convicted of a DUI or for public drunkenness within the past 3 years, Convicted of assault or of brandishing a firearm within the past 3 years. First time applicants must appear in person. Applications for permit renewal should be submitted at least 90 days (but not more than 180 days) prior to expiration of your current permit. To view reciprocity for all states, visit our interactive Concealed Carry Maps. The Denver police department processes renewals on a walk-in basison Tuesdays through Fridays from 8:00 AM to 2:30 PM at the following location: Denver Police Department Administration Building 1331 Cherokee Street States that have restricted reciprocity with Virginia: These states will only accept a CCW permit from Virginia, issued to residents. However, as long as you meet all the necessary requirements, your concealed carry permit application should be approved. Tip 3: Check your new states firearms restrictions. Please see House Bill 264 and Senate Bill 263 for information. This is a summary of Virginia Concealed Carry and firearm laws.
Renewal of concealed handgun permit Get Your Virginia Concealed Weapons Permit Persons who previously have held a concealed handgun permit shall be issued, upon application as provided in 18.2-308.02, a new five-year permit unless it is found that the applicant is subject to any of the disqualifications set forth in 18.2-308.09. Having met all Virginia conceal carry permit requirements, you can now proceed with the application. Application for permit renewal should be submitted at least 90 days but no more than 180 days prior to the expiration of your existing permit. Completing any law-enforcement firearms safety or training course
If you do not have a permit, then the firearm must be locked away safely. The Clerks Office will submit the completed application to the Bedford County
Application for a Concealed Carry License Thursday, August 20, 2020 Applications to for a Concealed Carry License -- both new and renewals -- are below. Note that your permit does not exempt you from completing the necessary background check before buying a firearm.
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