Remove the 10 transit brace screws from the left and right sides, and near the centre of the top brace. If you wish to be contacted by us, please use our regular contact form here, contact Customer Support at (800) 944-2904, or chat online with a Customer Support representative. Move the drain hose from the plastic clasp andclasps onthe side of the transit braces. In the set for removing the transport bolts are attached: a wrench and plastic valves. It is necessary not to forget to remove the transport bolts, which will interfere with the washing and spinning processes. Transport bolts may seem unnecessary, but they should be saved, as they may be needed in the future when transporting the same washing machine, for example. _ucbck = "ffffff"; 2 How do you secure a washing machine drum without transit bolts? Slanting or tilting the washing machine can cause the drum to rattle around and lead to possible damage. From cleaning and care advice to dishwasher loading tips, weve got you covered with our how-to videos.
PDF Front Loader Washing Machine Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. If it were not for fixing with bolts, then in the course of transportation the drum could damage the machines walls and damage itself, Where are the transport bolts from the washing machine, How to remove the transport bolts on the washing machine, Features: transport bolts on a washing machine LG, The need for transport bolts on a Bosch washing machine, Transport bolts on the washing machine (video). Please note that depending on the settings you choose, the full functionality of the website may no longer be available. This is the most complicated part of the process and can seem very intimidating. Do you need a key to tighten the transport bolt on a BOSH washing machine?
Can leaving the shipping bolts in the washing machine damage it - How I just removed them. _ucrid = 169; Moving a front load washing machine is a daunting task, and it requires some great planning. Remove all the transit bolts. If there are no such sensors or damages, the motor may force to ro. This is because the machine being in a moving van can cause excessive motion in the springs which could damage the machine.
PDF 3 REMOVE TRANSIT SAFETY BOLTS - Fisher & Paykel This sends the signal to the electronics that drum is free. Slowly lower the hose and angle it further down as the water begins to slow down. If you leave these in and then your machine gets to a spin cycle it is likely to start bouncing around the room.
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