Move-out is 24 hours after the student's last final exam or during Commencement. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. The date that the record is released from your current school to UC San Diego is know as your. May 1: Final day to Accept Your Offer of Admission. This means there is no official way to determine which courses will transfer to UC San Diego; however, the general rule of thumb, unofficially, is that if the course(s) was completed at a regionally accredited college or university, and, an equivalent course(s) is offered at the University of California, then the course might transfer to UC San Diego. For general questions about transcript submissions, please email New Transfer Guide - If you requested a waiver of the Undergraduate Health Insurance premium, the waiver can't be applied to your account until all fee payment holds have been cleared. Classifications are not determined by ISPO. UC San Diego 9500 Gilman Dr. La Jolla, CA 92093 (858) 534-2230 The information you need could be a click away. We have a dedicated page for prospective transfer students. This includes students from community colleges and other post-secondary institutions within California. endstream endobj startxref To view when tuition is due, visit the Billing Due Dates webpage. To access Matthews Lane: Please exit Genesee Avenue from I-5. AP Scores displayed on the Triton Checklist. However, we cannot guarantee that you will be admitted to your primary College selection. You might need to look in your SPAM folder. A family of an incoming international student can apply for a B-2 visitor visa by visiting the State Department webpage. Cookie Notice SEND TRANSCRIPTS BY MAIL: You must order an official transcript from your academic institution which must be sent to us directly in a sealed envelope addressed as follows: University of California, San Diego Office of Admissions Attn: Transcripts 9500 Gilman Drive, # 0021 La Jolla, CA 92093-0021. Learn more here. Please review the UC San Diego Catalog to determine program requirements by major. Any incoming first-year or transfer applicant interested in pursuing a major in one of the Arts departments (Music, Theatre & Dance, Visual Arts) may submit an optional portfolio/audition tape. Add UC San Diego's emergency status number (888) 308-8273 to your contacts. $W ,@4> ( M$H=b``| C w Handshake: Student and alumni portal to jobs and internships. congratulates you on your admission to the University of California, San Diego! The country-specific information below may be in addition to the items listed on your Triton Checklist. If after a few days you did not receive this email, please check your SPAM folder and email if you have any questions, or need the email to be resent. We will continue to process incoming test scores as they arrive; however, we cannot guarantee these scores will be posted in time for your enrollment. If you wish to learn more about the housing accommodations here at UC San Diego, please visit the HDH Undergrad Housing website. Now, I am doubting if I really did accept the offer of admission, as it won't let me into the checklist. New Students - No, UC San Diego does not have an ROTC campus office. Please feel free to use our Self-Guided Tour map as a guide.
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