He developed an approach where a person chooses their career based on their talents and natural skills. Konseling trait-facot berpegang pada pandangan yang sama dan menggunakan alat tes psikologis untuk menganalisis atau mendiagnosis seseorang mengenai ciri-ciri atau dimensi/aspek kepribadian tertentu yang diketahui mempunyai relevansi terhadap keberhasilan atau kegagalan seseorang dalam memangku jabatan dan mengikuti suatu program studi Williamson (WS. Current trait factor career assessment: A cognitive- interactional perspective. Hal yang mendasar bagi konseling sifat dan faktor adalah asumsi bahwa individu berusaha untuk menggunakan pemahaman diri dan pengetahuan kecakapan dirinya sebagai dasar bagi pengembangan potensinya. s%ZxyZQj5Ig0>JQ)jE_"#B1d]9'1kvQJ42/Le$4&A1LkhYk#k2"swZ$Z8mJe_/j83$nJMypRR,c'7G1fn ,"E!Dbe7rmc|@hjK057%10bezV-K756+.Z8|.azE;G5Q(y`lwp;~vO0 )g;aZ$_^}";;&E)h&
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E.G. Williamson (1941-1945) | ACPA Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Paterson, J.G. It also assumes that people may be matched to an occupation that's a good fit. Person-environment fit models, such as Hollands theory of vocational personalities and work environments and the theory of work adjustment, represent the evolution of trait-factor counseling from its relatively atheoretical roots to mature and dynamic theories of career choice and adjustment. Secara bahasa trait dapat diartikan dengan sifat, karakteristik seorang individu. I/"WX
Williamson from the University of Minnesota is credited with further developing "Trait-Factor Theory".
Trait and Factor Theory - 368 Words | Studymode The trait and Factor theory was originally started by Frank Parsons to help individuals find the best job or line of work for themselves. Williamson's election to the presidency of ACPA was made at the first Business session at the Atlantic City convention on Thursday, February 20, 1941, nearly ten months before the outbreak of World War II. The trait and factor theory operates under the premise: 1 It is possible to measure both individual talents and the attributes required in particular jobs. 0000001716 00000 n
The evolution of trait-and-factor career counseling: A person X environment fit approach. Its harshest critics have labeled trait and factor counseling as test and tell and three sessions and a cloud of dust. Because assessment and interpretation require high levels of counselor expertise and input, the knowledge and power differential between counselor and client tends to be highlighted. One of the efficient theories used in career counseling is the trait-factor theory that Parsons pioneered. Asumsi dari parsons yang mana pendekatan trait dan faktor berorientasikan kepada okupasi yang secara spesifik atau khusus, atau tugas yang sebagai kriteria kepada variabel seperti perilaku, kemampuan mental, sosioekonmi, ketertrikan atau gaji, menifestasi dari kepribadian.Perkembangan karir sebenarnya tidak hanya mengenai pemilihan okupasi tetapi juga mengenai proses seperti pemilihan secara tertuju dan terintegrasi dalam bentuk pilihan yang tertata, yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan sesuai dengan mengertinya antara perilaku dalam pekerjaan. This matching process involved using an accurate understanding of an individuals work-relevant attributes (skills, aptitudes, interests, etc.) First, examine the personality traits of the person whose career is being planned. Konselor atau Guru BK selayaknya memiliki kompetensi untuk memberikan layanan bantuan ini. Williamson; 6 steps for career counseling: analysis (collect data), synthesis (organize/summarize data), diagnosis (describe client problem - no choice, uncertain choice, unwise choice, discrepancy between interests & aptitudes), prognosis (predict degree of success), counseling (identify options), follow-up Holland Code
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