And, she said, making the state's history of racial exclusion more widely known is part of that. and 'Give me your driver's license.'". Please note: if a town is not listed, that does not mean it is not a sundown town. Sometimes entire counties went sundown, usually when their county seats did. If, for example, a black family tried to move in, encountered considerable hostility, and left, that would qualify the town as sundown. Note that some sundown towns kept out Chinese Americans, Jews, Mexican Americans, Native Americans, even Mormons. Dr. Kaplan has also written and produced award-winning short and feature films, one of which is distributed by Warner Brothers Home Video. Real estate agents can also play a role by steering a client away from a particular neighborhood. This site was created by Matt Cheney, revised by OddBird, copyrighted by James W. Loewen and heirs (Nick Loewen), and is maintained by Phil Huckelberry and Stephen Berrey. Select a state from the map below to view a list of sundown towns, History and Social Justice Website Copyright 2023, Using Lies My Teacher Told Me and Teaching What Really Happened, Resources for Teaching with Lies My Teacher Told Me, Teachers Corner: Teaching with Lies My Teacher Told Me, Contact Jim Loewen to Speak to Your Group, Causing Change With Lies My Teacher Told Me, Works Inspired or Influenced by Lies My Teacher Told Me, Useful Quotations about History and Social Justice, Native American Issues, Including the Explorers, Teaching Slavery, the Civil War, and Reconstruction, Civil Rights Movement to Modern Times: c. 1945 Now, Alphabetical Map of Sundown Towns by State, How to Research and Teach About Sundown Towns, Using Research Information to Help a Sundown Town Overcome Its Past, Loewens Work on Standardized Testing Used by Others, Embarrassing Questions about Standardized Tests. Residential segregation still makes it hard for even middle-class black people to escape the ghetto. Most sundown towns expelled their black residents, or agreed not to admit any, between 1890 and 1940. According to AP News, these towns are inhabited by a majority of white people who insist that "Black and white residents get along really well." However, there is much work to be done to dismantle the attitudes and the serious economic, legal, and political problems caused by generations of forced racial segregation.
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