770 Washington Avenue, Suite 580 Find 6 Recorders Of Deeds within 36.2 miles of St Clair County Recorder of Deeds. Additional Pages $2.00 per page, Manufactured Home Financing Statement $10.00, Transmitting Utility Lien $20.00 (1st 2 pages) The purpose of the Recorder of Deeds is to ensure the accuracy of St. Clair County property and land records and to preserve their continuity. St Clair County Probate Office has 2 for recording mechanics liens and other property documents: 165 5th Avenue. NTE5MTQzMzMzZWI0ODNjYTYxYmY3MGVmYzI2MzA3ZmZlM2RmOGM1MDQwYTRh Please call if you are unsure of the amount owed. Recording Fees $18 first page, $3.00 each additional page Notaries Public | Alabama Secretary of State Dave Vandenbossche. NjMwODE4YTZiMDZjOGY2M2Q2NzM1Mjk0NzEyYmQxZDlmYzI4ODQ5OTZhNDc3 ODJhNzYyYTJmZDAyNTU2YzM3M2RjOTAxZmRiYmJiNTJkOTA0MWZhYWFjY2Yz This facility provides you easy access to public information maintained by the Secretary of State's office in electronic format. The information is uploaded to this server frequently but may lag behind actual activity at the courthouse. Jeffrey L. Bohm, District 6 - ODYyOGMyODUwMzM1NTE4YzY3MWQyYzUyYTMxMmExODU4MDMwMjdhOWRkNjU5 The Alabama Board of Pardons and Paroles held 28 parole hearings Tuesday, April 25, granting three paroles and denying 25. . ZmNkOWU1ODQ2OGQwZWNiNzM2YWI4OSJ9 Simplifile makes it easy to eRecord all of your documents online. Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. For additional information, contact: UCC Search Options Advanced Search (with Images) Advanced Search Simple Search (No Images) The Act was passed on June 2, 2015, became effective January 1, 2016, and is codified in Code of Alabama Title 35, Chapter 20. St Clair County Recorder of Deeds Contact Information Address, Phone Number, and Fax Number for St Clair County Recorder of Deeds, a Recorder Of Deeds, at PO Box 220, Ashville AL. YTE0OGM4NTE4MDJjOGVhNTlmNDYxMzkxZDIyYjUyNTQ3ZTM4ODY4NzFjZTkw It costs $15 per request. Mortgage Electronic Recording System | ICE Mortgage Technology - Simplifile Jorja Baldwin, District 3 - So the total for a basic one-page document is $8.50 Additional names, as well as additional book and page number references, to be indexed are $1 per name/reference. UCC-1. The Recorder of Deeds processes about 300 documents daily. YmJmYzI0MDM0NDdiZmVlNjhkMDBlNWNlNDQyYTllZTBmYWQiLCJzaWduYXR1 Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Fee Payment, 100 Capitol Commerce Blvd, Montgomery, Alabama. There are 2 Recorders Of Deeds in St. Clair County, Alabama, serving a population of 86,937 people in an area of 632 square miles. Terms and Conditions. The Alabama Homeowners' Association Act requires all Homeowners' Associations formed on or after January 1, 2016, to file organizational documents as a nonprofit corporation.
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