Well, it's funny you should, I mean, you see, George, they're on to us! He then begins to plummet to the ground, and Sandy tells him to land on his bottom. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from thestaff@tvtropes.org. This is the only season 3 episode to use the track ". Patrick: That's not crazy talk. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. ), Leni: Aww, I got dead again! Np. (goes inside his house and looks out the window) No part of me is safe! Sandy: What'cha all doing sittin' in the middle of the floor like that? [Sandy and Patrick are still screaming while the gorilla beats them] This can't be happening! I wasn't looking! Patrick: [screaming while flying on his sandboard, then bashes his body on sand mountain. Someone turned the mountain upside down! Sandy: Don't worry, Patrick. Leni: I got the ball! We finally got enough people for a 7-mile spanking machine! Lynn: Boy, nothing like all playing catch out here! I know of a place where you never get harmed. Will he help her? Patrick: [is still laughing while riding on Sandy's back; Sandy glares at him and he gets off her back as well as clearing his throat afterwards] That was fun. Help me, help me! I thought I was doing a pretty good job. You've got to come and save me! Credits Patrick: And that's when I [holds a boxing glove] punch him, right?! SpongeBob: (imitating Squidward) Everybody's an idiot except for me. (Mr. Grouse waters his plants and rolls his eyes and Lincoln removes the paper off his face), Lincoln: I'm still alive! Patrick #2: (unzips Patrick suit, turns out to be a real gorilla). Also to have Papa Wheelie appear as well. Patrick: Right. Coming on November 13. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Recap/SpongebobSquarepantsS3E16BornAgainKrabsIHadAnAccident. The father turns to the mother and gives her a confused look. (the penny lies silently on the floor.). (holds up a used napkins), Lincoln: Well, I'll just air-feed. We can do without the name calling, thank you very much, Used Napkin! SpongeBob: Hey, Sandy, watch me do the "Grouchy Squidward!" A debilitating injury or accident that requires hospitalization can certainly be traumatic and upsetting, but if the doctor has given you the all clear, you should work to move past it and not let your fear of it happening again overrun your life. Mr. Krabs comes up with a rather poor alias to fool the Flying Dutchman. [gulps and shakes as he reaches for the door. SpongeBob: I'm not afraid to go outside anymore. [move over to the second half of SpongeBob] Lisa: Hey Lincoln! ", This episode was originally titled "Safety Freak", The Comcast description of the episode calls the episode "Safety Freak (I Had an Accident)." tip: hetalia f/f sort:kudos, This is an expanded and a bit of a continuation story to that terrible 10th anniversary special for SpongeBob SquarePants titled "Truth or Square". Lincoln: No, Leni's right, Lisa You saw what happened. SpongeBob: [stops laughing like Squidward] Huh? If you guys were smart, you would join me. Ouch! Patrick and Sandy unsuccessfully attempting to get SpongeBob to go outside. Hey there! It's finally time to end this SpongeBob episode reenactment. Patrick: (The two ice creams are melting) Still two ice creams! Lynn:(opens the door) All right, bro. We finally got enough people for a seven-mile spanking machine! SpongeBob: [Shocked] Huh? Patrick: [sniffles] That penny has the most beautiful voice. This article is a transcript of the SpongeBob SquarePants episode "I Had an Accident" from season 3, which aired on October 4, 2003. It took us 20 hours to put it all back together. SPONGEBOB I Had An Accident Episode_JamSnugg Reaction Jamaican Snuggie 38.2K subscribers Subscribe 5.1K Share 465K views 2 years ago #spongebob #ihadanaccident Join us as we watch I Had An.
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