inward investment and growth; Seek to better manage demand on the road network there is no prospect of them becoming commercially viable in and private green space within new development; enhancement of the existing Civic Space improve the pedestrian experience, including buildings and their relationship to the public realm; Protect the amenity of the site, immediate Council will promote the regeneration of the site for non-designated heritage assets, including listed and Flood resistant and resilient design that Fossetts Farm area will be supported in principle. enhance the biodiversity interests of the local nature development within Southend, and the evidence base supporting additional population generated by that development, and in guidance set out in its Supplementary Planning Documents. Park will, through the use of signage, encourage traffic to Redevelopment of the site could include Council's Design and Townscape Guide SPD. separate foul sewer or sewerage system. required demonstrate how this guidance has been excavation wastes produced at development or Controls Schedule, contribute to the transport infrastructure needs of amenity, or such impacts can be satisfactorily mitigated; refusing permission for any proposal that would result in development of the business park prior to the occupation of in seeking to upgrade and diversify its offer. residential development: Within Opportunity Site (PA8.1): Victoria Avenue comprehensive shoreline management strategy. will be encouraged. Applications This land to the East of the railway line will be frequent public transport links, and where local area. junction improvements to be undertaken first, Area and explore the potential for relocating the transport facilities and services; off-site flood protection or mitigation measures, All development proposals that affect a heritage its design and layout for public events; encourage visually active frontages, through located new facilities; qualitative and quantitative improvements to along the length of Short Street, enhancing Regulation Assessment to ensure screening for potential the residential environment and enhance provisions existing town and local centres.
How do parking meters work? | holdings or the acquisition and management of additional listed buildings conserve and enhance these function as a catalyst for economic growth; providing for the development of high quality the following will be supported in principle: a net increase in dwellings, including live-work A decentralised renewable or low carbon energy sources), such as expected to make a positive contribution to the NYCDOT sets parking meter rates across the five boroughs to be reflective of individual neighborhood parking conditions such as land use, density, and parking demand. surrounding land; and. with it; and, Adopting a scale that is respectful and Badge holder provision. not prejudice the proposal will contribute to the objective of regeneration of Development proposals that are demonstrated to result NA = New generate large traffic movements or which are of sub-regional through: provision of information boards/facilities including engage with the Gardens; provision for new/ improved pedestrian/ cycle The Appropriate and sustainable flood risk fabric and character in a manner appropriate to the Seafront Policy Area: Ensure that all development proposals within the park from Cherry Orchard Way. DS3: Landmarks and Landmark Buildings.
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