But tell them youre not willing to pay that much and the agent will give you a date that your contract ends (this is usually 31 days from your call). You may not be aware, but on the Sky website, theres an area that offers cheaper deals for existing customers. Continue using site, 2023 ismybillfair.com (a trading name of Nineteen21 Limited). You can make changes to your current bundles online or call 0344 241 0266 to discuss your requirements. For example, you can get in touch with a Sky TV sales team representative on 0330 1656733 or a Sky Mobile agent on 0330 123 1785 and these numbers are available from 8am-10pm. Our website is free to use, and the commission we receive does not affect our opinion or the information we provide. Welcome to the Digital Spy forums. If you are struggling financially, then contact Sky to speak to them about your options. Contact us. 1. If you don't want to deal with clicking all over the Sky help page, you can try the Sky contact number we've found for the team that best matches your issue or query below. Chip App Review A Great Start To Saving? Ambassador. Regarding Sky complaints, there is some good news. Use the following telephone numbers to contact Sky. Sky do require at least 14 days notice to cancel any Sky products. I've bought a Humax box for around 80 simply so that we aren't totally reliant on Broadband. He is well versed in UK energy and broadband markets and now writes web content for our online visitors. If youre having problems with your Sky/ Yahoo email account, then phone us on 03442 411 653 for help. Please note, some mobile providers charge a premium for 0844XX numbers, if this is the case, download the WEQ4U app, you'll then be charged the . Sky is a little more reluctant to haggle for broadband and landline rental prices, but its certainly not impossible to get a discount. Since Sky contact numbers change every time you look at the Sky help pages, you can call the general Sky customer service number 0333 7591 018 which is open Monday to Sunday from 8.30am to 11.30pm. Sometimes it's better to say goodbye and doing so could save you hundreds of pounds a year.
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