Edited by Kolockum, 24 September 2015 - 02:50 AM. However, have you first considered the cheaper option of installing, The only reason Im glad I didnt get OV Tune is for 900$ I can install gears instead of 700 for OVTune. Heading out the door? Assume those links are affiliate links which means I may earn a commission if you click and buy. The engine was struggling mightily to maintain highway speeds at 7,000 feet. If this is possible, it will be much less expensive to trade in someone with 4.30 gears on their front and back for someone with 3.73 gears. In short, yes you should regear. This is helpful in multiple situations, including heavy snow and ice, worn down roads, and assisting in avoiding hydroplaning. Considering the oxygen is thiner here. You are using an out of date browser. Despite being seen as generally reliable, the 2023 Toyota Tacoma feels a bit dated compared to newer trucks. If you are running larger tires, you will want to gear your Tacoma accordingly. - Upgrade your Tacoma from stock 30.5-inch tires to 34 inches and youll now be spinning that 1,500 rpm at 70 mph (rather than 60 mph). While it is an option to add an air locker, it is another additional $1000+. The great thing about the Tacoma is that no matter the generation it's still going to hold it's value. A properly re-geared Jeep can provide an increase in power and fuel economy of up to 200%. On a side note I have several friends who have regeard their Tacomas. You're not alone. WHY YOU SHOULD REGEAR YOUR 3rd GEN TACOMA w/ Nitro Gears Most of the discussions I have read were about regearing for lifts and big tires. I then did the same calculation but with the larger tires that I have on my truck. Yeah thats the stock gearing, stock tire size on the door says 28 tires, so regearing wouldnt help my hill problem, Dang I'm about to regear and I will have 4.30s for sale soon that would be a nice little bump for ya. This is the truest thing I've read in a while lol, My truck is fairly stock still, and I've already spent more in mods than my entire track set up for my previous mazdasometimes I hate this truck. While its one of the most popular adventuremobiles, its also one of the most widely misunderstood. Going up by one is usually not a big deal, but you're still compromising the integrity of the driveline. Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, How Many Quarts Oil 2017 Toyota Camry Hybrud, The Toyota Camry: A Vehicle That Can Do It All, Reducing Engine Rattling In Your Toyota Camry, The Toyota Tacoma Is Built At The Toyota Motor Manufacturing Mexico (TMMMX) Plant, The Different Body Styles Of The Toyota Camry In 2006. I installed 4.56 gears, which combined with 33" tires is geared a bit lower than stock. The very next day I'll fall in love with it all over again. While waiting for my Tacoma to arrive I thought Id ask if Toyota has done any work wrt the 2020 auto transmission constantly hunting for the right gear? While most vehicles nowadays have a system in the dashboard that will tell you automatically if or when and which tires are low on air and how urgent it is to fill the low tires; it is a comfort to know that you can diagnose your tires yourself and make that call yourself without relying on technology that can often misdirect and give skewed information. Senior Member : Join Date: Jun 2009. I remember driving from Southern California to Montana via Colorado in summer 2019, flooring it up a grade, and barely making it to 60 miles per hour, he says. Does regearing improve power AND gas-mileage? - Toyota Tacoma Forum With my larger 33" tires I look at the re-gear as a must and would strongly recommend it for any 2016 and up Tacoma's as they come from the factory with way to tall of overall gearing. Typically, the pricing for the gears alone comes in at an average of $1000.
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