It is a parent-run organization that meets once per month. Sommer Krull also had two hits. Loading. Logan Maertz started and pitched five innings for the Panthers, allowing only a pair of hits and one unearned run while striking out six. Denmark scored one run in the fourth inning on an RBI single by Nolan Perry, then broke open the game with six runs in the fifth inning. Brady Hannes went 3-for-4 and Jacob Landon, Carson Herm and Jersey Brocker each added 2-for-4 efforts at the plate, with Herm knocking in a run. Jack Diekelman/Carter Gaede 6-3, 6-1; Brock Chandonais/Winston Hill SP def. Alex Zimney won both the shot put (34-11) and discus (113-8). Noah Greene pitched a five-inning four-hitter. Paige Wyngaard had two hits and Jayda Nelson hit a home run. WRIGHTSTOWN - The Vikings pounded out 24 hits to earn the doubleheader sweep. Sheboygan North High School Athletic Director: Dan Stengel Phone: (920) 459-3605 Email: 1042 School Ave Sheboygan, WI 53083 . Evan Olson, Brady Koester and Sawyer Deering also had two hits each. Rheis Johnson also had two hits. Omro had a number of multiple winners, including Lucas Kasuboski, who was first in the 400 (:53.94), and was a member of the winning 1,600 (3:43.12) and 3,200 (8:40.50) relay teams. Rosholts Payton Skortz won the shot put (35-0.75). The athletic quarterback will team up with Nienhuis to lead a Raider offense that averaged 31.7 points per game in conference play last year. Other winners in the boys meet included Gavin Greiner of Freedom in the 400 (:51.61), Riley Huss of Little Chute in the 1,600 (4:25.01) and the 3,200 (10:29.61), Cavan Dobberstein of Fox Valley Lutheran in the 110 hurdles (:15.84), Vince Nienhuis of Sheboygan North in the 300 hurdles (:42.24), the Fox Valley Lutheran 400 relay team (:44.42), the Freedom 800 relay team (1:32.62) and 1,600 relay team (3:33.03), the Sheboygan North 3,200 relay team (8:39.41), John Klinger of Oshkosh North in the shot put (55-5.25) and discus (142-6), Zach Johnson of Fox Valley Lutheran in the pole vault (12-0), Noah Heinke of Freedom in the long jump (20-2) and Hunter Thiel of Little Chute in the triple jump (41-10). Freedom is 3-3 in the NEC and 6-3 overall. Show More Details. FOND DU LAC - Aurora Santana had two goals and an assist for the Cardinals in the win. 2 singles. OMRO 184, VALDERS 132, CEDAR GROVE-BELGIUM 118.5, MENASHA 82.5, GREEN BAY NEW LUTHERAN 65. 2926 North 10th Street. Students That Are Rising Through (START) Change is a student-led organized school club that is on an educational mission. RANDOM LAKE - Matt Merlo scattered four hits over seven innings as the Rams earned the Big East Conference win. Kiel won the 400 relay (:45.25), the 1,600 relay (3:43.26) and the 3,200 relay (8:37.59). Eve Vosters won the long jump (16-8.25). Springs goalie Annie Barr had five saves. Ashkath Yandawath/Bennett Herold 6-0, 6-0. In the second game, Brandon Heimann had three hits and three RBIs for Chilton.
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