Emission Test Waiver for Motor Vehicle Registrations This is a notice to the general public and all county tag offices regarding the emissions test waiver for motor vehicle registrations. Privacy and Security Statement Failure to comply may result in denial of future rental. In Cherokee, March 1 is the deadline for applying. Please enable scripts and reload this page. Verify the resident's net income does not exceed $10,000. Further, by entering my name in the field below, I certify that I am the person that is the subject of this application, and I fully authorize the Georgia Environmental Protection Division (EPD) and Applus Technologies, Inc. to accept it as the equivalent signature for any and all purposes, including civil and criminal enforcement actions. Senior Exemption: The vehicle owner must be 65 years old or older, the vehicle must be 10 model years old or older (2013 model year or older), and the vehicle must be driven less than 5,000 miles per year. ", Model years 1999 to newer go to stations marked All Vehicles Welcome". It is does necessary to submit a new application for changes, edits button new documents. Will I be eligible for school tax exemption on this new purchased five acres? You do not drive the vehicle over 5,000 miles per year. Georgia emissions tests are required of all vehicles new to any of the 13 counties that require an emissions test. For questions regarding Repair Waivers, Senior Exemptions or Out of Area Extensions, call 1.800.449.2471 (press option 1, then option 4) for assistance. We appreciate your interest in Georgia's Clean Air Force - committed to helping the region work toward better air quality. It is okay if someone is still working. Information reported to the hotline in the past has helped to eliminate certain fraudulent activities and protect State resources. The Document Center provides easy access to public documents. You may apply for this exemption either through Georgia's Clean Air Force online form or through your local tag office. The following 13 counties require emissions testing on vehicles registered in: You must have your vehicle tested annually, before your registration renewal. When contacting GCAF, please reference your vehicle identification number (VIN) and/or license plate number. As part of the assessment, the nurse or care coordinator will work with you and your caregiver to develop a care plan.
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