I planted this is filtered sun, in my shade garden and it has bloomed for a long time. 10 Apr, 2011. Early Classic Compact Mounding Baby Senetti = Value for money GROWS VERY COMPACT AND HAS RICH AND LONG LASTING FLOWERING. Bred by Suntory Flowers in Japan, Senetti is a collection of pericallis . Use Senetti pericallis the same way you use mums in the fall. The Pericallis ' Senetti' has a unique reblooming ability with bloom counts that can be as high as 200 on a plant grown in a 10-inch pot! May 2013. Bloom Time: Early Spring. Deleafed and shortened. The series is known for it's performance, durability, and vigor. Hardiness Zones: 9a, 9b, 10a, 10b, 11a, 11b, 12a, 12b. Snijbloemen. Culture Report: Pericallis Senetti Series By Jessica Feuerbach Keep them in the propagator for around 3-4 weeks then think about potting up the stronger plants, leaving the slower ones to develop a little longer. Keep moist, not wet. To enable personalized advertising (like interest-based ads), we may share your data with our marketing and advertising partners using cookies and other technologies. But I decided to repot it and put it outdoors in a somewhat sheltered area on my deck. Bloom count can be as high as 200 on a plant grown in a 10-inch pot. Senetti Plant Dying? 8 Common Causes & Simple Solutions - WhyFarmIt.com Gardeners' Notes: "When it comes to early spring color, you can't beat the Senetti pericallis series from Suntory Flowers. April 2013. Privacy Policy. Does shopping on Etsy help support small businesses? Here are my top tips to grow a healthy senetti that stays green, has a bright coverage of flowers and will look great in your garden. Legal. When choosing flowering shrubs I like to choose a range of plants for my garden that flower at different times of the year. May 2014. Lowe's Multicolor Senetti Pericallis in 2.5-Quart Pot It thrives in full or partial sun and prefers a rich, slightly moist soil. | A Natural Solution for Your Garden, How Long Do Spiders Stay in One Web?
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