The option to go back is always there but I want to move away from that and the focus is now very much on my job, he said, Of course, I miss it and the sitting on the couch watching TV. Baasit and Umar, along with their dad Sid have been on Gogglebox since the first series. ", Bauer Consumer Media Ltd, Company number 01176085; Bauer Radio Limited, Company number: 1394141; Registered office: Media House, Peterborough Business Park, Lynch Wood, Peterborough PE2 6EA and H Bauer Publishing, Company number: LP003328; Registered office: The Lantern, 75 Hampstead Road, London NW1 2PL, All registered in England and Wales. Many Gogglebox stars have proven that you can become a hit with viewers with using witty one liners and by having an infectious personality. But despite returning to their day jobs the family are still as tight knit as ever, with Nikki and Jonathon recently celebrating their 23rd wedding anniversary.Jonathon a chauffer - has recently shed 3 and half stone and is almost unrecognisable from his Gogglebox days and son Josh is a budding politician. With their penchant for rum and raisin ice cream (far too scarce in the shops nowadays), and no-nonsense attitude to romance ("My state of health can't cope with a fella right now" Kathy), there was a lot more to them than met the eye. One star sign will be happy with small accomplishments, while another will resolve recent disagreements. The reality star says her brother and sister-in-law's daughter are still coming to terms with their loss. Thankfully, Jonathan made a full recovery and the family credited his recent weight loss to helping him fight the virus, which he battled for weeks. Unfortunately, Sandra's life after Gogglebox has been less illustrious. She also entered the Celebrity Big Brother house in 2017 - where she was sixth to be evicted. After entertaining the nation for two years, Scarlett left County Durham to head to the I'm A Celebrity Jungle. FORMER Gogglebox star Sandra Martin has revealed her heartache after a fifth person close to her died from coronavirus in just one week.
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