Your email address will not be published. They must have demonstrated ability to work with diverse communities, serve as a team leader, and maintain a sense of humor. If you have any inclination to be involved in a political campaign, do it! This manual is designed to help you anticipate what And there are some nonpartisan nonprofits that work on voters access to the electoral process. Campaign work even campaign work that does not involve the practice of law helps to develop not only an individual attorneys skills, but also their contacts in government service. Make sure you have a campaign manager contract or campaign staff letter of agreement. Fundraising call time alone is all-consuming, taking up to three to six hours per day of your time five days a week. However, LIPP does not cover people who are running for office because candidates are not compensated for their time. 0000003002 00000 n Have questions about a campaign manager or campaign staff agreement? startxref See for example theCampaign & Advocacy Program,Community Action Committee, theNational Campaign for Political and Civic Engagement conference, theCampaign Managers Conferenceand theHarvard Votes Challenge. ACLU VOTING RIGHTS PROJECTNew York, NYEstablished in 1965, the ACLU Voting Rights Project has worked to protect the gains in political participation won by racial and language minorities since passage of the 1965 Voting Rights Act. Social Media Management Contract Template, Non Exclusive Beat License Agreement Template, Post Nuptial Agreement Infidelity Template, Early Termination Of Lease Agreement Template. In order to succeed in such a role, you must be good with self-managed work and timelines. 0000002400 00000 n Required fields are marked *. All Rights Reserved 2014 - 2023, Get Access to ALL Templates & Editors for Just, Business Consulting Contract Startup Template, Contract for the Manufacture and Sale of Goods Template, Social Media Consulting Services Contract, Contract on Retaining Legal Counsel Template. Campaign Manager Contract: Before Hiring Campaign Staff. | Political 0000001528 00000 n They must have demonstrated fundraising experience and knowledge of campaign funding sources. If you would like to download the image to your device in best quality, just right click on the image and select Save As or you can download it by clicking on the share button (Twitter, Facebook or Google+) to show the download button right below the image. Before you approach a campaign to ask about a position, you should give serious thought both to the type of position you would optimally prefer, and to the types of positions you would be willing to take. You can also help to maintain a candidates web presence, either by blogging officially or unofficially for the candidate, or by maintaining or bolstering supporter websites.
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