Rutherford County Attorney Nick Christiansen, who is representing the sheriff's office, denied the "alleged"racial epithet had anything to do with the promotion decision. He supervised the communications, records and warrants divisions. But that is subject to change as our headcount changes. First and foremost I am a servant of the taxpayers," Henderson said. "This was a very serious offense, and weapons have no place in our schools.". For more information, please contact the public information officer at. Supervision rounds were not being conducted as required with gaps between rounds of more than three hours. It also reminded parents and guardians to "diligently" check the backpacks, vehicles and rooms of their children to help keep schools safe. A yet determined significant property tax increase is expected in the coming fiscal year. "Thus, Acton was meaningfully involved in tying the hands of the promotion board and directing the decision.". Front Office: M-F 8:30am - 5:00pm Emergency Services 24 hours a day. He served as a patrol sergeant, lieutenant and captain. When I became mayor, I inherited what Mayor (Ernest) Burgess left, and he inherited what Mayor (Nancy) Allen left. The information, however, is public recordand available at theRutherford County Circuit Court Clerk's office. He earned his bachelor's degree in criminal justice administration and his master's degree in criminal justice at MTSU. The state case, filed in October 2019, also involves an age discrimination lawsuit from Sanders and fellow deputiesKerry Nelson and Ronnie Ralston. As chief of security, Henderson handled security issues for inmates, staff, maintenance, meal service and transportation. The Rutherford County Sheriff's Office mobile application is an interactive app developed to help improve communication with area residents. "But that is subject to change as our headcount changes. ", Budget boosts pay for county workers: Rutherford County deputies get 20% raise as part of approved county budget. In a Facebook post, the Rutherford County Sheriffs Office said they wanted to inform the public that the detention center had not been shut down, but they were simply relocating inmates to other facilities in neighboring counties while the female section underwent repairs. Murfreesboro, TN 37130, Sheriff's Office - Administration Division.
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