The textbook does not provide and index or glossary, but since it is available electronically looking up terms and words of interest is of no difficulty. Still, I'd have liked to see at least a short discussion on the changing nature of global finance in the global political economy chapter- there is a discussion of trade and multinationals which easily transitions into course discussion of GATT/WTO, and FDI, but no mention of sovereign credit or debt, which is by far the most commonly access form of global capital. Would you like to go to the United States site? Book provides often times an objective view of global politics, but on issues there have been instances where some authors refer to their personal experiences as a way to open up debates and introduce paradoxes which in some ways impact the overall bias on the issues introduced. Article A Brief Introduction to the Study of International Relations A feature for those interested in becoming familiar with the study of IR and also for students struggling to grasp how IR fits together. This is incorrect. Peter Sutch, Professor of Political and International Theory, Cardiff University, UK. The degree track appeals to students with an intense interest in and desire for work in professional international fields and/or study at the doctoral level. The book contains no links, pictures, charts, graphs, or visuals at all--even where the addition of these materials could help students using the text. There was nothing at all offensive about this book, but people should be aware that it is a European-worldview IR text. While it employs British spelling and phrasing in places, this should enhance the experience of American students for whom it is unfamiliar. In the south, a disgruntled Taliban commander and former Guantanamo Bay detainee, Mullah Abdul Raoof Khadim, swore allegiance to ISIS, while in the east, six Pakistani Taliban commanders led by Hafiz Sayed Khan raised ISIS's black flag . I'm not sure if this is normal for an e-book. This is a strong point. I understand that IR is interdisciplinary and rooted in the arts and humanities, but I also think that IR can be presented in a straight-forward and clinical way that makes reading and writing on the topic simple and accessible. The text lacks a glossary, boldfaced terms, and an index. The only downside is lack of index, which I presume is a costly endeavor. Although the book lacks an index, as the editor noted as being too costly to compile. Instead, taking international practices seriously spells out the many faces of world politics, including power and security, trade and finance, strategy, institutions and organizations, resources, knowledge and discourse, etc. Peter Vale is a Senior Fellow at the Centre for the Advancement of Scholarship, University of Pretoria, and Nelson Mandela Professor of Politics Emeritus at Rhodes University. It can be easily adopted as an Intro IR textbook in any English-speaking college/university in the world. There should be more discussion of the causes of wars and civil wars, however. Robbie Shilliam is a Professor of International Relations at Johns Hopkins University. This title is available for inspection copy requests. They will find it challenging and rewarding in equal measure. Choose your preferred format.
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