Consequently, all IPC advice notes have been republished by the Planning Inspectorate. Is there reasonable confidence that there will not be substantial changes to the information above which may affect any outcome in consideration of likely significant effects? Is there a method of avoidance or mitigation that would reduce the impact on the aspect/matter to a level where significant effects would not occur? This should include any relevant National Policy Statement(s) and guidelines prepared by relevant professional bodies. This Advice Note makes reference to other Advice Notes, these can all be found on the Advice Notes section of the National Infrastructure Planning website. Advice Note Five: Section 53 Rights of entry RepublishedMarch 2017(version 6). This includes: 3.8 The Planning Inspectorate requests that notifications made in accordance with Regulation 8(1)(b) of the EIA Regulations are accompanied by information sufficient to facilitate Regulation 11. It accepts no liability for any loss or This advice note explains the roles and responsibilities of the Secretary of State, the PlanningInspectorate, European Economic Area Member States and applicant applicable under Regulation 32 of The Infrastructure Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017. 01/2009 and all the good practice advice notes which were also published by pins. This will enable the Planning Inspectorate to allocate resources to deal with the request and enable the Planning Inspectorate to identify the consultation bodies in advance of receiving the request thus ensuring a timely start. Applicants should avoid submitting requests with multiple and varied design and layout options. It also reflects updated arrangements for the consideration of transboundary effects in respect of nuclear NSIPs. is reasonably required for the consultation bodies to develop an informed view of the likely significant environmental effects of the development (and of any associated development) (Regulation 12(2)(b) of the EIA Regulations 2017). Advice Note 11 has advice on working with public bodies in the pre-application stage which may assist with these decisions. The purpose of this advice note is to provide advice on elements of the EIA process during the Pre-application stage, namely screening and scoping and to assist applicants in understanding the role of preliminary environmental information.
RTPI | Planning Enforcement Handbook for England 7.3 At the same time as advance notice is given, a GIS shapefile should be provided to the Planning Inspectorate to identify the land for which the screening and/or scoping request is made. Updated Application Index and corresponding information in Appendix 1. Advice Note Two seeks to provide advice about the important role of local authorities at different stages of the Planning Act 2008 process. We use this information to make the website work as well as possible and improve government services.
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