6800 Osteen Road New Port Richey FL 34653. Phone Number. (727) 841-8539. Independence Day Holiday : Monday: July 4: Independence Day : Tuesday: September 4: Labor Day: Monday: September 25: In-Service Day* Monday: November 10: View your Between the hours of 12:01 A.M. to 8:00 A.M. or between 6:00 P.M. to 11:59 P.M. No watering between the hours of 8:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. Youre allowed to use your lawn sprinklers twice a week if youre on reclaimed water if your house address ends in. FRIDAY WILL BE REGULAR SCHEDULE. Florida Breast Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program (DOH-PASCO) Hosts a Mobile Mammography Bus, Preprese Seguridad Del Generador De CO, Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF), Download the Full List of Reportable Diseases and Conditions, FDACS: Giant African Land Snail Information, Annual Regulatory PlansFlorida Department of Health (pdf). All Hernando County Solid Waste Facilities are closed and there will be no curbside trash, yard waste or recycling picked up on the following holidays: Trash, yard waste and recycling following a holiday will be picked up on your next regularly scheduled service day. How USF football coach Alex Golesh affects Hendon Hookers NFL draft stock, Protection for historic coastal properties could be gutted under Florida bill, 3 questions with Flipturn ahead of Gasparilla Music Festival. (The $62.00 Solid Waste Assessment contained on your annual tax bill pays the County to dispose of your garbage and is separate from the monthly collection fee paid to a licensed hauler.). 21-22. The 2022-2023 School Year Calendar is available in two formats: a printable PDF version, and a Google Calendar version. 3 1. Monday, December We are pleased to announce that effective January 2nd, County Sanitation will join the Coastal Waste & Recycling family of companies. Tell us what was confusing, missing or inaccurate about this page. The revised collection schedule is as follows: All offices and regular collection service schedules will resume Monday, November 14, 2022. WebWaste Connections. Pasco Recycling Private haulers compete for your business. Phone: 727-777-3264 E-mail: [emailprotected] J.D. WebWesley Chapel trash pickup service varies by neighborhood. Printable 2022-2023 Student/Teacher School Year Calendar Dates (PDF Format) Ans2: 30th May 2022 is Memorial Day in Pasco County School. Place trees that are undecorated or do not have artificial snow and colorings at the curb. New Year's Day: Monday, January 2, 2023: Martin Luther King Day : Saturday, January 14: Monday, January 16: Good Friday: Friday, April 7: Saturday, April 8: Government Websites by CivicPlusCivicPlus [] Recycling | mysite Veterans' Day. WebHoliday Schedule. Ans: it will start on 4th January 2022 in Pasco County School. The City of Naples collects solid waste on all holidays except for New Years Day, July Fourth, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. my next pickup date falls on a holiday No problem! Recycling Drop-Off Centers will be closed from Saturday, December 24 through Monday, December 26. Aug. 10, 2022: Check here for Pasco County's School Calendar for the 2022-2023 school season. US Public School Calendar [County School District]. Contact Us Required fields are marked *. Utilities and Services 2023 Mike Fasano Tax Collector Pasco County Florida, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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