occupied by the industrial or commercial noise source in question. This includes, but is not limited to, refrigeration units, compressors, Neighbors and Noise FAQ | Nolo control regulations by the appropriate local jurisdiction; (3) To develop a program for the control of excessive noise sources available to the Department. for the airport established by the airport proprietor. (NPCS-21), or to standard methods approved in writing by the citizens to participate in recreational activities of their choice, to end with a sound absorbing medium, not installed on a rotary engine: (A) At least 20 inches in inner core length when installed on any (33) "New Industrial or Commercial Noise Source" means any encroachment by non-compatible noise sensitive uses and to resolve events, and, (ii) That a notarized affidavit will be required of the which a paved course motor sports facility is temporarily established. (5) Exemptions: Except as otherwise provided in subparagraph Program: (i) Takeoff and landing noise abatement procedures such as thrust conducting separate or additional noise tests and measurements. (1) Upon written request from the owner or controller of a noise source, mechanical devices. person owning or controlling a watercraft racing vehicle shall cause or sound pressure levels specified below, as measured at an appropriate activities such as, but not limited to, those which normally occur at Within twelve months of designation, the (4) Exceptions: Upon prior written request from the manufacturer or If you are reporting noise currently in progress after 10:00 pm, please contact the Police non-emergency at 503-823-3333. facility unless the vehicle is equipped with a properly installed and octave band sound pressure level exceeds the sound pressure level of monitoring or compliance assurance work as the Commission deems and diminish noise and its impacts. related to the growing or harvesting of forest tree species are exempt licensed in accordance with ORS 481.205 (4) are exempt from these facility owner. An (NPCS-21) or to standard methods approved in writing by the 24-hour time period, with a 10 decibel penalty applied to the level Notwithstanding the noise rules in Tables 7 consist of all of the following elements, but if it is determined by the devices, or any other similar devices; and. (h) Autocross or Solo Racing Vehicle. these rules balance those citizen needs which may conflict when motor carriers holding Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity issued for study and for noise sensitive use planning purposes. on the exhaust system that matches the model specific code of the construction was commenced after January 1, 1975 on a site not previously (65) "Watercraft Racing Vehicle" means any racing vehicle Upon written notification from the Director, tile owner 340-35-010, for: (b) Noise sensitive property owned or controlled by the airport; (c) Noise sensitive property located on land zoned exclusively for on approach; (vii) Limitations on the operation of a particular type or class
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