BETA My Northumberland Account However, the local government employers have responded with an offer of a flat rate increase of 1,925 (with less for part-time and term-time workers)*. If you have a personnel committee then their terms of reference and powers should be defined. By taking on some extra responsibilities you can get extra payments. Pay Policy Statement April 2021 to March 2022 Purpose 1. If you want to be placed in the leading practitioner pay scale, you are expected to coach and mentor other teachers and induct early career teachers (ECTs) and trainees. Chief Officer roles have been evaluated using the nationally recognised Hay Job Evaluation Scheme to ensure: Chief Officer salaries have been benchmarked against roles in comparable Unitary councils, both in terms of the size and complexity of services delivered. PDF 284e-005-20190806171057 The NJC has agreed to recommence the review of Term-Time Only working arrangements, which was paused at the outbreak of the pandemic. All rights reserved. any requirement for additional allowance or supplement will be objectively justified by reference to clear and transparent evidence and where market supplements are considered that this is with reference to data available from within and outside the local government sector. Published on 1 July 2021. Your salary will be based on the scale below. Employers Secretary These will be produced with the intention of only making additional payments when in the best interests of the Authority and maintaining consistency through all pay grades. Executive Director, Adults, Communities and Wellbeing (DASS), Executive Director, Childrens Services (DCS), Executive Director, Place and Economy (Deputy Chief Executive designate), Assistant Directors and /or Heads of Service who, posts are graded and rewarded financially through a fair and non-discriminatory process, there is consistency in treatment between posts.
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