Get connected to a reliable web connection and start executing forms with a fully legitimate electronic signature within a couple of minutes. If you want to lock or unlock the file, click the lock or unlock button. If you want your license number removed you must contact the issuing authority. Open All Categories | Close All Categories, Pre-Employment Correction Basic Training, Gun Violence / Crime Reduction Initiatives, Advisory Boards, Commissions and Councils, Initial Application and Participation Agreement, Reaccreditation Application and Reassessment Agreement, Standard Compliance Report Continuation Sheet, Highway Safety Technology Unit - Equipment Repair, Waiver of Police Officer Training Requirement, Waiver of Peace Officer Training Requirement, Curriculum Content Form LE Naloxone Training, Six Test Form / Affidavit of Proficiency Evaluation, Instructor Development Course Waiver Instructions, Master Instructor Certification Progress Log, Initial Police Officer Certification of Employment Form (DCJS - 2214-a)*, SGP Class Roster - Notification of Completion, Law Enforcement Accreditation Council Policy Manual, Standards and Compliance Verification Manual March 2023, 2008 guidebook for first responders during the initial phase of a dangerous goods/ hazardous materials transportation incident, Pre-Employment Police Basic Training: Administrator's Guide, Basic Course for Police Officers: Administrator's Guide, Police Officer Refresher Course: Administrators Guide, Police Officer Equivalency Course: Administrators Guide, Training Guide for Peace Officer Employers, Pre-Employment Correction Basic Training: Administrators Guide, Basic Course for Correction Officers Administrators Guide, Canine Training Standards available upon request. Applicants Information Last Name Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy) Sex Social Security # (Last 4 Digits) NY Driver's License # (or NY Non-Driver's ID) xxx-xx-Mailing Address Street Name (physical address-if different) City State Zip pdfFiller is not affiliated with any government organization. Requirements Under a recent change to New York State Law, people who have concealed carry permits are required to recertify their permit with the New York State Police every three years. The application fee for a handgun license and for renewal is $340 (three hundred and forty dollars). This page is available in other languages, about Instructions for Pistol / Revolver Recertification, about PPB 2: Pistol / Revolver Recertification, about PPB 2A: Pistol / Revolver Recertification Continuation, about PPB 3: Pistol/Revolver License Application, about PPB 3A: Pistol/Revolver License Application Continuation, about PPB 3B: Pistol/Revolver License Application Fingerprint Form, about PPB 5: Pistol/Revolver License Amendment, about PPB 4: Verification of Peace Officer Status - Firearm Purchase, about PPB 7A&7B: Keeper of Ammunition Registration & Sworn Statement Form, about PPB 7: Seller of Ammunition Registration, Instructions for Pistol / Revolver Recertification, PPB 2A: Pistol / Revolver Recertification Continuation, PPB 3: Pistol/Revolver License Application, PPB 3A: Pistol/Revolver License Application Continuation, PPB 3B: Pistol/Revolver License Application Fingerprint Form, PPB 4: Verification of Peace Officer Status - Firearm Purchase.
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