Three of my doctors confirmed it was the products and no other causes. Seller informed me the items was ready to purchase though I never received draft/a proof. Monat Global at a Glance Name: MONATGlobal Industry: Cosmetics and Personal Care Products Year Founded: 2014 Headquarters: Miami, FL, Florida, USA. I was told in order to cancel my membership I will need to pay a $19 or $25 CANCELLATION fee. He has an appointment with the allergist soon. Couldnt be too dangerous, could it? Replies to my comments Created to optimize texture and elasticity while minimizing the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and age spots, MONAT Skincare offers a complete solution for radiantly beautiful skin that inspires confidence at anyage. Are you a Monats sales rep? It works well on my hair when I blow it straight and when I leave it curly. the case and dismissed that small portion of it. This is the active ingredient in Nioxin, yet you did not hit this ingredient or product with such vim and vigor that you hit Monat. I have always told me clients that hair loss cause comes from within the body, and the only fda approved topical ingredient is monoxidil, which I dont reccommend. The hair kept falling out for over 5 months. CONTACT I almost got sold- and Im a hairstylist! First I developed a rash so I stopped immediately, then I got chemical burns, breakage, thinning and bald spots. I stopped a year or so ago. They also put out a video saying all lawsuits against them (3) which is really (11) were settled and they won. One scoop away from a tasty, plant-based protein boost, any time ofday. To clarify, the lawsuits include allegations that Monat Revive shampoo has damaged hair, even causing it to fall out in some cases. Margaret, your normal thyroid results most likely werent optimal, you may have to do some research for that optimal vs. normal. We use clean products and this one hasnt had any adverse affects for us over the years. The CDC lists dimethylamine as extremely flammable, hazardous to inhale as it can cause a burning sensation, headaches, difficulty breathing and shortness of breath (source). My scalp no longer is itchy and my hair is soft and shiny. 100% naturally based. In the modern era, we are used to a modicum of standardization, much of which transcends languages. I pick these ingredients apart and back up that information with reliable, scientific data. Thanks. Sometimes that isnt what it seems. You might be interested in learning about my standards here: And yes, I agree with you that benzyl alcohol is far from the worst preservatives. Two days back to using Monat and my face and scalp itched like crazy, so I stopped using and am still waiting for my scalp to heal again. Again, this is only at high doses, not low doses (source).
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